Note: The above reporter has advised me that I am 36.5 inches long! (my news story that is!)
Note: Special thanks to Sacha, the DJ, in Switzerland. She even sent me pins, pens, stickers, etc.
Note: The live radio broadcast was with the editor of Cosmo Magazine. Suffice it to say, she was not exactly a big fan of this site. Her complaints included, but are not necessarily limited to, me being a lawyer, me wearing an American Flag tie, me being so honest, me driving a Corvette, me making fun of myself, me having Winnie The Pooh on my exit screen and/or me selecting the as the name for this site. Other than that, I really think she liked me (he he he).
Note: Special thanks to Mr. Maurizio DiMaggio. He is the DJ from Italy who personally sent me a live clip from his radio program discussing the homepage!