the above 3 minute animation which summarizes
my philosophy)
Via the evolution of my SheDumpedMe and www.IdoNOTwantKids.com sites, quite
bluntly, I have been on an absurd number of
dates. I have met hundreds of people,
made some incredible friends, had wonderful
experiences, and been focused upon in the
media around the globe. Click here to see a

For more
information, you can also view the following
5 minute video which may do a better job of
explaining what the heck I am talking about:
Hence, via my
experiences therefrom, I have learned many
things and made many friends (and many
enemies). And one of those things I
learned is that I definitely am NOT
compatible with the majority of women wherein
I no longer obey historic dating etiquette
particularly after the volume of bad
experiences Ive had when I did. I
likewise am not interested in going on any
more dates unless I think there is real
compatibility. As you will quickly
learn, I am very seriously trying to find
that special someone and live happily ever
after. However, I will not bullshit or
play games or put on a charade. Perhaps
some will say I'm vulgar, selfish, cold,
self-centered, conceited, cheap,
unchivalrous, etc. (Indeed, many have).
Or, perhaps, someone might actually
grasp what I'm doing.
Therefore, please
"Do NOT date me" if...

1. If
you have or want kids, do NOT date me.
Quite simply, this issue has become such a
massive problem, I even created www.IdoNOTwantKids.com
which is the world's only free KIDFREE /
CHILDFREE dating site! I highly
recommend you visit the site. I have
also lost track of how many women have
confided in me that they will
settle, just so they can meet a
guy and make a baby in time via their
biological clock ticking away. I do not
want that concern. If you simply seek
sperm, baby batter, male mucus, guy glue, or
whatever you women call it this week, do NOT
date me. I do NOT want kids.
Additional Elaboration via the inevitable questions of "Why don't you want kids?": The same reason why I want chocolate ice cream and not vanilla ice cream. It is simply my preference. By way of example, some people own a Corvette, while others prefer a van. I happen to have a Corvette, as well as, a gaudy 70’s custom show van with stained glass tail lights, rhinestones and side pipes. However, nobody is right or wrong. It is simply their preference.
Unfortunately, however, it seems that society completely disagrees with me. By way of example, I’m frequently asked to “explain” or “justify” why I don’t want kids. But why doesn’t society ask people why they “do” want kids before they have them? Heck, I’ve lost track of how many people had kids by “accident” without any plan or desire and thereafter regretted doing so. Meanwhile, there are tragically a tremendous number of wonderful kids still waiting to be adopted. I apparently need a license to catch a fish, but absolutely no planning is required for having a child? That just doesn’t make any sense to me. Perhaps worse, society sometimes erroneously insinuates that I’m “selfish” for not wanting kids. That, however, is just completely foolhardy. Being “selfish” is a person that has a child that they do not want, or cannot take care of. Having a child so that somebody can take care of you when you get older is selfish (and actually makes zero sense since it’s usually cheaper to invest your money in health insurance than raise a child). Having a child to try and salvage the relationship or to avoid being alone is selfish. Having to “settle” on a partner just so you can make a baby is selfish. Me, however, making a conscious decision to not have a child and even declare it by creating the www.IdoNOTwantKids.com website to help the childfree community, is the exact opposite of being selfish. Indeed, my candid declaration that I do not want kids is literally butchering my sex life as the vast majority of women wants kids and is therefore not interested in dating me, nor I in them. Hence, society should applaud my honesty but instead I’m looked upon with condescension. It really is silly to me and my penis absolutely hates me for it! However, if I were to provide “reasons” to “justify” why I don’t want kids which inevitably is asked, I suppose some of the factors would include, but not necessarily be limited to, the same factors why I similarly don’t want a pet, for example. I don’t want the tremendous responsibility involved. I don’t want the restrictions on my freedom or my future. If I had a child, I could never take such large financial risks. I could not travel whenever I want. If I didn’t like my job, I could just leave it. I can sleep when I want, and do what I want, anytime I want. With a child, I could never do any of these things. Plus, honestly, changing diapers and raising a child just sounds like a lot of “work” to me. It sounds like a “job.” And if having a child sounds like “work” or a “job” to anybody, then in my humble opinion, they should very seriously reconsider. Listen, I’m admittedly not the sharpest pencil in the box and never could comprehend most poets or philosophers. Hence, allow me the liberty of quoting the comedian Chris Rock who stated, "When I hear people talk about juggling, or the sacrifices they make for their children, I look at them like they're crazy, because 'sacrifice' infers that there was something better to do than being with your children." Hence, in my particular case, having a child does seem like a “sacrifice” and is all the more reason why I shouldn’t have one. However, make absolutely no mistake and this is incredibly important: My parents are truly my heroes, and without question, I had one of the most incredible childhoods one could ever imagine, seriously. My friends/family, to this day, still reminisce about all the wonderful memories and adventures we had. My sincere hope is that those folks that do “want” kids, which I think is wonderful, make their kid(s) childhoods as great as mine has been. Now, kindly excuse me while I get in my “corvette,” buy some “chocolate” ice cream and thereafter lay on the couch while planning my retirement and next vacation. Respectfully, Christopher M. Puzzele, Esq. www.IdoNOTwantKids.com |
2. If
you think a coupon is like Kryponite on a
date, you should NOT date me. I
dont care if it is the first date or we
are married for 40 years. I use the
entertainment coupon book and highly
recommend it. Heck, here is the
link: www.entertainment.com.
It makes the perfect gift. I know
because I usually receive mine as a
gift. J
I have heard countless women say that men
should NOT ever use coupons on a date.
The majority acknowledge, however, that
coupons can be used after marriage. I
honestly cannot grasp how a female brain
works. Why does a person have to get
married just to save 50% on
dinner? Why put on a
charade? So in other words, I
potentially can have sex with you, and get
married to you, before I can use a
coupon? Explain that to me! One
of the biggest causes of divorce is
money. After people get married, they
begin to handle finances differently
(i.e. they cut back on expensive
dinners, invest in real property,
etc.). So why waste time putting on an
act? Why not just be yourself?
You object to coupons? No
problem. I totally understand. I
am not for you. That simple. But
why wait to eventually discover what the
person is really like and waste
many months/years with them?
Some folks still are not getting my
point so let me be even more blunt (if
that is even possible). I'm not
insisting on coupons just to save a few
dollars on a meal. Indeed, many times
the coupon costs me more money since I
end up going to a restaurant I wouldn't
ordinarily frequent. My issue with
coupons is that I do not believe a
person should act one way before marriage and
an entirely different way after
marriage. That simple. (But heck,
I am half Jewish, so why not save a few bucks
if possible?)
3. If
you require the
first date to be a dinner instead of an
informal cup of coffee, do NOT date me.
Elaboration: I
have lost track of how many people said they
would only meet if I treated them to dinner,
and not a mere informal cup of coffee.
To me, whats important is the company,
not the venue. Furthermore, I am not
interested in turning this into a competition
wherein guys have to spend more and more
money just to meet somebody which is
what Ive discovered many ladies judge
the relationship on. Furthermore, why
torture each other with a lengthy
dinner? At least with coffee, you can
make an easy exit if the date is
bombing. Also, I have lost track of how
many female friends confided in me that they
have gone out on dinner dates primarily just
for the dinner (i.e. dinner
slut which is their term, not
mine). By only doing coffee, that
eliminates the entire issue of why people are
really meeting.
If you require
a minimum purchase price of $10,000 for an
engagement ring, you should NOT date
In fact, if you have any purchase
price requirements for an engagement ring,
you should not date me. To me, some
things are priceless regardless of how much
or how little you spend. It is the thought
that counts! No offense, but you ladies
really need to get over this whole ring
thing. Its turning into a competition
and eradicating the romance. I know people
that have been badly hurt because their ring
was smaller than someone else's ring.
That is really pathetic. And yes, it is
true, guys whine if we dont get a big
screen television. However, guys certainly
dont base the quality of the
relationship on how much was spent on the
television. Sounds pretty silly, right? In
fact, my parents were very very poor when
they got married. Nonetheless, at my
Moms funeral, I watched mournfully as
my dad placed the original ring back on my
moms finger that was purchased when
they were poor, uneducated and merely
teenagers. And I can assure you, my parents
over the years obtained far more expensive
and extravagant rings, particularly with my
moms very lavish taste. But to
me, and obviously to my loving parents, that
ring symbolizes more than the actual purchase
If you can only eat at
restaurants that have reservations, then do
NOT date me. Elaboration:
Im not sure how, but I think I have met
every female on the planet that evidently can
NEVER eat at any commercial restaurant
whatsoever including, but not necessarily
limited to, Bennigans, Old Man Raffertys, Chi
Chis, TGIF, every single diner in the state,
etc. Instead, they can ONLY eat at
finer food establishments that require
reservations via a strict diet, health
reasons and/or sanitary concerns. For
example, the last person I met declared that
her body was a temple and
demanded nothing but the finest food.
This is particularly ironic considering she
told me this as she sipped her raspberry
mocha frappuccino (which has whipped cream
and syrup on top). As for me, Id
much prefer to simply grab a pizza, Chinese
takeout or grab a subway sandwich instead of
a fancy schmancy dinner.
6. If
you take offense to the request for us to
mutually get tested for a STD prior to
intimacy, do NOT date me. Likewise,
assuming a relationship begins, if you are
not going to be upfront and honest and tell
me what you like and dislike behind closed
doors, do NOT date me.
I am dumbfounded to find via my female
friends confiding in me that women rarely
tell their boyfriends what they are
really like behind closed
doors. Instead, they very gradually
reveal a little bit at a time over many
months/years. Evidently, from what
Im told, women fear that they will
scare the guy away or appear un-lady
like. But why wait? If you are
going to be physical, regardless if it takes
1 month or 1 year, why put on a
charade? Why not just be viciously
honest and tell the person what you like and
what you dont? Likewise, why not just
tell the person how frequently or
infrequently you like something. Sooner or
later, the person is going to find out
anyway. Most times, it occurs only
after marriage wherein major problems arise.
One of my favorite examples is a girl I know
who wanted to marry a particular guy so she
insisted to him that she was a nymphomaniac.
Two years later, she dumped him complaining
that HE wanted sex too much. Why not
just talk about it upfront and find out if
you are compatible behind closed doors with
vicious honesty? Obviously any
STD's must be revealed upfront,
preferably even before the first kiss.
Again, why play games?
7. If
you will not keep your PROMISE(s), do NOT
date me.
I believe very strongly that when a person
makes a promise, they should do absolutely
everything in their power to keep it. Nothing
says you have to promise. But if you do, you
must keep it. And somebody not keeping their
word makes me very concerned.
8. If
you want "marriage," do NOT date
I have NO desire to get married, and I
honestly don't need a piece of paper to
confirm my lifelong commitment to somebody.
If you have any desire to get married, then
do NOT date me.
Additional Elaboration
Via People telling me to "shut up"
on the issue of marriage: I
am viciously honest and say "I do NOT
want marriage" and, as always, BOTH men
and women say "SHhhhh.... SHUT UP. Don't
say that." But alas, I am only
being honest. I refuse to waste anyone's
time, including my own. Sure... I can mislead
and not be HONEST about stuff and then be in
a relationship, but la-de-da... What am I
accomplishing? The fact is, sooner or later
the relationship is going to fall apart when
she inevitably raises the issue of
marriage.... so why should I waste her time?
The fact is... society should be THANKING me
for being honest instead of telling me to
shut-up -- which is why I have been BANNED
from Eharmony, speed dating, etc. <--
Because I am HONEST and say I do NOT want
kids. I REFUSE to keep silent on these very
serious issues -- which ironically only
benefits the women and NOT me.
And as for the next anticipated question that
inevitably comes up is why don't I want
marriage? Simple Answer: ONE of the reasons I
no longer want marriage is because I have had
NUMEROUS women confide in me that they act
one way before marriage about certain issues,
and then act entirely different after
marriage (i.e. sex, money, etc). Therefore,
I'm just done with the whole damn thing. What
benefit do I really get from it anyway? It's
a legally binding CONTRACT. Is that REALLY
what love is about? Really!? And as for the
woman having more than me... that would be
awesome. But once again, what do we REALLY
get from marriage since I do NOT want kids
anyway? Do I really need to start making
marriage CONTRACTS, or prenuptial CONTRACTS
-- essentially forcing the people to be
together even if they later decide otherwise
and/or are unhappy!? Does a person REALLY
need to go to COURT just to get a Court's
blessing if they later decide they no longer
want to be in the relationship? Hey, I have a
better idea: You don't wanna be together any
more? No problem. Simply break up and take
your crap with you. No need to spend perhaps
years in the Court system and many thousands
of dollars. Simply stay together IF you want
to stay together. Ta da!!
I THOUGHT love was supposed to be romantic
and fun... If you want me to start drafting
legally binding CONTRACTS, something seems
wrong to me -- which is ironic since I'm a
lawyer. Plus, the fact is, 50% of marriages
end in divorce and 25% of the remaining 50%
remain UN-happily married because they cannot
afford/able to get a divorce (i.e.
"Cheaper to keep her."). Therefore,
only about 25% of marriages are successful.
Perhaps worse yet, second time marriages have
a 60% divorce rate and Third time marriages
have about a 70% divorce rate. And again,
more importantly forgetting about statistics
which admittedly are not always accurate:
What benefit does either party get from
getting married since I do NOT want kids
anyway other than a bunch of legal
Does anybody on this planet really think I,
Puzzele, actually gives a crap what society
thinks!? For example, remember, I'm a guy who
created the SheDumpedMe website (when the
internet was just becoming known), which
resulted in me being in the media in over a
dozen countries/radio/tv/etc because at that
time, everybody said I was "crazy"
and/or a "loser" and/or
"depressed" for using the internet
to try and get a date -- which is NOW the
norm and precisely what I predicted!
Hey... I have a C=R=A=Z=Y INSANE idea: I'll
just find somebody that wants to date me for
ME and enjoy life together and not worry
about legally binding contracts and/or the
potential for people to mislead one another
just so they can get married. And if I can't
find a woman that feels the same way? No
problem... Take my word for it... Life
continues to be UNBELIEVABLY good to me in
that area.
Somebody I know who is now on
their second UNhappy marriage said to me
that, "The most romantic thing you can
do is NOT get married." I asked why? She
"If you get married, you
will eventually inevitably take your spouse
for granted because you know they really
can't leave you -- or at least not very
easily. You will need to file for divorce,
gets lawyers and the court involved, etc.
Hence, because the spouse knows you really
can't go anywhere, they will inevitably take
you for granted -- innocently or not.
However, if you are NOT married and are
merely together because you LOVE each other,
then you both know that the other person can
walk out at any moment. They can take their
crap, throw it in a car, and off they go.
They can end the relationship in minutes.
Hence, because of this, couples take the
relationship far more seriously."
Additional Elaboration
Via People telling me there are financial
"benefits" to getting married
(i.e. taxes, social security, etc):
I always chuckle when I hear this issue of
'tax benefits' and/or SS payments raised when
people contemplate marriage... and then I
honestly CRINGE. The idea that people even
remotely consider 'tax benefits' when
contemplating marriage I find particularly
troubling. To me, that is a HORRIBLE reason
to be getting married -- to try and save
money. How UN-romantic is that!? Worse yet, I
have heard countless adults raise the same
'tax benefits' and/or SS issues when they are
contemplating having children. Perhaps I am
crazy, but the concept that people are
looking at tax/SS benefits as a justification
to get married/children is disturbing, at
least to me. I'm the very least romantic
person on the planet and absolutely horrific
at mathematics... but that seems absolutely
insane to me.
The reality is I honestly don't know the 'tax
benefits' of getting married and/or having
children. However, without even crunching the
numbers, I strongly suspect that whatever
'tax benefits' one might conceivably obtain
as a result of marriage does NOT even
remotely come close to the substantial risk
they are taking by getting married and
possibly losing huge chunks of their
assets/freedom if a divorce occurs regardless
if a prenup exists or not (particularly since
prenups are frequently contested anyway and
divorces can take years with substantial
legal fees). This is particularly true when
one considers the very high rate of divorce
as mentioned previously.
To me, the least romantic person on the
planet, if a person is sitting there
crunching numbers and saying to themselves,
"Hmm... If I get married and/or have a
child I can save a few bucks on
taxes/SS" -- that is SCARY. Meanwhile,
these same people sit there and send me tons
of hate mail because I merely want to use a
COUPON on a date and save 50% on dinner. So
in other words, I cannot use a COUPON on a
date, but people can sit there and justify
getting married and/or having kids so they
can try to save a few bucks!?! This is yet
another example of why I'm losing my hair --
people are insane.
The issue is analogous to the question
countless people have asked me when I say I
do NOT want kids. They almost always ask,
"But then who is going to take care of
you when you get older?" And I always
CRINGE when they ask... If you are having
kids so they can take care of you, then that
is selfish and you are having kids for the
wrong reasons. In my humble opinion, one
should not have kids just so those kids can
take care of the parent. In fact, if I ever
have a child, the last thing I personally
would want is for my child to have to endure
the emotional/financial strain of caring for
me when I become unable to do so myself.
Now.. Make no mistake.. I would do absolutely
ANYTHING for my parents, my heroes. I truly
have the world's GREATEST parents and they
really are my Heroes. However, I personally
would not have children just so they can take
care of me when I get older. That just seems
selfish and/or like you are having kids for
all the wrong reasons. Instead, if I had
kids, I would TRY and do everything in my
power so my kids would NOT have to deal with
the strain of taking care of me. At a
minimum, I certainly would not have kids just
so they can take care of me... that is nuts
-- but I hear this very justification
countless times as a result of my
IdoNOTwantKids website/forums.
Plus, once again, I ain't so good with
mathematics, but the cost of raising a
child/education/etc is perhaps going to be
far more costly than if you instead just paid
for a super hot nurse with enormous boobs to
take care of you when you get older instead
of burdening your kids with it. smile
emoticon Likewise, the tax/SS benefits one
might gain by getting married (whatever those
benefits might be), certainly doesn't seem to
justify to me the HUGE risk people are taking
by getting married wherein they risk losing
enormous chunks of their assets -- on top of
the fact that they may deal with years of
costly and time consuming litigation. Hence,
the concept of trying to save a few bucks in
taxes/SS for marriage/kids seems disturbing,
at least to me.
#9 (aka the Deal
Breaker). If you
are not going to contribute about
50% of the time, do NOT date me.
I am baffled why a woman can openly say to me
that I MUST pay 75%-100% of the time for
their dinners/vacations/rent (even if the
woman has a better income/education), and
that is acceptable/chivalrous. However,
if I say to a woman that I want her to pay
only 50% of the time, I am unromantic,
conceited, cheap, selfish, cold and/or
I am looking for a
soulmate. So why the heck should I give
100% and the female admittedly gives
0% when it comes to money? Again, I do
NOT want kids (i.e.
www.IdoNOTwantKids.com). Hence, they
certainly aren't going to be home taking care
of the kids. The fact is, even though
my tactic may appear conceited, it
certainly weeds-out the fakes and shows me
who is really really serious about the
relationship/compatible. Again, I have
lost track of how many female friends
confided in me that they have gone out on
dinner dates primarily just for the dinner
(i.e. dinner slut
which is their term, not mine). Via
only doing coffee and/or taking turns paying,
it eliminates the entire issue of why people
are really meeting/dating. And
honestly, how unfair am I being if I'm
only asking the female to contribute equally
to the relationship? And yes, men can still
be romantic/chivalrous without paying for
everything all the time.
To me, dating is a
partnership. It is a team. Each
person gives physically, emotionally,
intellectually, and yes even (gasp),
financially. To me, when a couple gets
married, they are certainly going to share
all aspects of their life, including their
finances. So why do something entirely
different while dating? I want to see
what a person is really like prior
to marriage. Furthermore, I have
lost track of how many women have said they
will not go on vacation or out to dinner unless
the guy paid each and every time.
Truly, its not just a money thing. If
somebody will ONLY be with me if I PAY them
to be with me, well, then, um, perhaps they
are with me for the wrong reasons. That
sounds more like an employment contract, than
romance, to me. (Note: I believe
there is absolutely nothing wrong with a
female wanting the guy to pay 100% of the
time, or the guy sincerely wanting to pay
100% of the time. That is just not for me.)
And yes ladies, I know.
My philosophy totally flies in the face of
dating etiquette and tradition and Im
sure most of you are probably disgusted with
me. And before you even ask: If she or
I couldnt afford a certain vacation or
a particular dinner, no problem. We will
simply go someplace that we can both afford.
Again, call me crazy, but to me it is the
company that is important, not the venue.
Perhaps I'm unorthodox and in the minority,
nonetheless, I'm simply ascertaining how a
person feels about this sensitive issue
without wasting a lot of time
Lastly, my approach
eliminates the age-old bullshit fiasco of the
bill coming at the end of a date and both the
male and female arguing over who should pay,
even though they both secretly have a
preference as to who should really pay.
Here is a 100% true story:
An attractive blond I know
went out on a date with a guy 6 times.
On the 6th date, the following discussion
took place:
"Let me pay. You paid the last 5
Male: "You
Sure? Really?"
"Wow. Thanks very very much.
I really really appreciate that."
Afterwards, the female NEVER
spoke to the guy again because she was so
terribly annoyed that the guy actually let
her pay. Meanwhile, the poor schlub
had no idea that the female actually
preferred the guy pay all the time.
Again, the female is not necessarily wrong
for wanting the guy to pay 100% of the
time. That is her preference, so be
it. The problem is, they never honestly
communicated what they really wanted.
Hence, the problem!
Does this make me unromantic?
I personally don't think so. Indeed, although
I may not spend nearly as much as the next
guy, I will NOT lie, cheat, mislead, etc. I
will, however, be there through good times
and bad, through sickness and health, through
EVERYTHING. That IS romance, not how much
money I spend. And the same goes for you.
Regardless of how much money you make or
don't make, I do NOT want fancy schmancy
stuff. To me, it is the person/company that
NOTE: I have received a number of emails
from women suggesting I watch the movie
"Joy Luck Club." I have since
watched it. No offense ladies, but I think
you need to have your heads examined. Perhaps
I am missing something, but that movie is
over two hours long and consists primarily of
young, extremely attractive/petite Asian
women (which definitely isn't a bad thing),
who are sadly physically and emotionally
abused, cheated on and raised for the sole
purpose of making babies. Consequently, one
woman abandoned two of her infant children on
the side of a dirt road, and another female
drowned/murdered her own child to seek
revenge on her husband! Likewise, almost all
of these women had terrible relationships
with their Mom. Quite frankly, I couldn't
even figure out why people suggested I watch
this movie until somebody finally pointed it
out to me: There is about a 5-10 minute scene
buried in the movie where one of the women is
married to a very wealthy guy who makes the
girl split the bills in half. First off, I am
flabbergasted that out of all the horror
in the movie, the concept of a woman having
to pay 50% was the one part you seemed to
remember. How absurd! Nonetheless, you should
also know the following: 1) That guy was
evidently very wealthy since he made
7.5 times more than the female (in my case,
many women make equal/more than me -- which
is a GREAT thing to me), 2) That guy made the
female pay for stuff even if she didn't spend
the money (he would order a steak dinner/ice
cream, and she would only have a salad but
would have to split the bill), and 3) he was
an uncompassionate, inconsiderate schmuck
that dictated every aspect of the
relationship including having a crooked table
in the center of the room that you couldn't
even touch otherwise it would fall over. *Ironically
though, in the movie, it was actually the
female's idea to pay 50/50 in the beginning
of the relationship with the very wealthy
guy... so thanks ladies... I'm glad I watched
the movie after all... Perhaps I'm not so
crazy after all!
I have
received volumes of email reciting the
"Law Of attraction" or "The
Secret" wherein I'm supposed to specify
what I want, not what I do not
want. Therefore, to satisfy those
individuals, this is what I want:
A female in
the NJ area that is attracted to a vertically
challenged (5'5"), frugal (I use
coupons), hairy
(Italian/Jewish/Catholic/Etc), lawyer who
reads the above text and feels the same way I
do (i.e. She does NOT want kids & wants
to be treated as an EQUAL in the
* Comical
footnote: I previously also indicated that I
wanted the female to be a "virgin
nymphomaniac" but I received an insane
amount of irate mail. Just to let you know,
the point of me wanting a virgin was so that
I could technically be the best she ever had
no matter how bad I was (by default), and the
reason why I said nymphomaniac was because
what guy doesn't like sex? But alas, I've
decided to remove the comment (sort of), even
though I personally thought it was COMICAL!
Not to sound conceited, but I dont
think Im such a horrific guy.
Heck, I exercise 30 minutes every day and
have done so religiously for the past 8
years. I have a doctorates degree. I am
a practicing attorney admitted in NJ, NY, DC
and even the Supreme Court of the United
States. I do not drink, smoke, gamble and
have never tried drugs. I do not sleep
around. I am financially responsible (aka
frugal) and viciously direct/honest. I had
the worlds greatest childhood and my
parents are my heroes. I keep my
promises and try and live life to the very
fullest (i.e. sky diving, bungee jumping,
stand up comedy, white water rafting,
kayaking, water skiing, trapeze, etc). Hence,
I would much rather be "single"
than be attached to somebody for the wrong
reasons. Heck, it's also a lot more
it seems the volume of hate mail I receive
has declined over the years since the
creation of SheDumpedMe.
I suppose the idiotic stigma of internet
dating has finally vanished and my alleged
desperation is finally viewed as
determination and specificity. In fact,
I initially received hate mail saying I was
too desperate (when online dating was taboo
since few understood/utilized the
internet). Now I receive hate mail
saying I am too picky, corrupting courtships
and am unchivalrous/cold/frugal/cheap.
Hence, I suspect that after the above
addition, I shall yet again be
banished. Im still not sure
why. Nonetheless, feel free to let me
know your thoughts although I have a hunch
you predictably wont be a fan of my
unorthodox approach. And in the
unlikely event I havent totally
appalled you with my philosophy on dating,
then PLEASE do get in touch with me because I
really would like to meet you for a friendly
cup of coffee. You are indeed as unique
as I.
Click Here To Read/Post Hate
Mail (or possibly even fan mail):



