Dear World,
As many of you know, in the past, when you went to this page, you would be able to post any kind of message you wanted. As many of you also know, my Mom recently went to heaven. Previously, it was a lot of fun meeting new people practically every day of the week, and being on the radio and in the newspapers around the globe, and making tons of friends (and pissing many others off). However, once I couldn't tell my Mom about all my kooky stories, the fun went away and I knew it was time for something different: To finally find that special someone and live happily ever after -- which I'm STILL working on.
Well.... Talk about timing! The company that provided me with the coding to allow people to post messages here has since announced they are going out of business. Although I could easily utilize other code and allow people to continue posting messages here, I've decided instead to simply display EXACTLY what people have posted over the years from around the globe. It is kind of like an unintentional timeline. I figured it was a nice way to end this, and start a new and exciting beginning elsewhere - whatever that might be.
Ironically, the very last message posted happened to be typed by an attorney friend of mine. I suppose there really couldn't be a more appropriate final posting - although none of us knew the 'end' of this corkboard was coming. I guess it's like life:
You just NEVER know, so you better enjoy it while it lasts!!
[ Now if I could only find that special someone & live happily ever after. ]
Info: |
322 entries on 1 page(s) |
322 | Date: 2007-08-24 20:55:23 P. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I am proud of you growing up and taking on life. You should be happy and moving forward. As long as you do not have regrets that is what is important. You could not control your mother’s health none of us know how long we have here and you were a good son. |
321 | Date: 2007-08-22 21:31:24 L. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I've checked your website. You are amazing! I am VERY sorry for your loss... And happy belated birthday! Keep smiling. |
320 | Date: 2007-07-27 17:54:19 F. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Re: Do NOT date me... I totally agree with what you have to say, although I do believe you will start recieving hate mail again. The dinner sluts are going to be in an uproar, regular panties will now become thongs. You've made some some awesome observations about the dating scene and I believe every guy has dealt with these situations. I really relate to the engagement ring scenario because the girl I was involved with for 5 years wanted to outdo every ring she saw on every person she knew. The size of the ring never came into play untill we were well into the relationship. I will give one bit of advice, if you meet someone that you like I would break some of your beliefs to her carefully. The whole STD thing should be handled carefully, especially if it's a nice girl. As a matter of fact if you meet a nice girl, you might not want her to view your site untill she gets to know you. In my opinion, don't change a thing. I'm actually going to forward this to my single friends. |
319 | Date: 2007-07-26 15:14:32 J. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You asked questions that at the time I thought were too direct and inappropriate. Alas, you have proved me wrong! The first phone call I got from a match told me he was divorced with a 3 year old. Yikes. I will always ask those questions first from now on just like you did. I might even add in my own question, "Have you been to jail?" I just wanted to say thank you for teaching me a lesson I won't soon forget. I will call that the "What would Chris do" moment. If you ever need help picking out a new tie & shirt set let me know. I can work wonders at Burlington Coat Factory & TJMAXX. Thanks again and stay happy! J. |
318 | Date: 2007-07-23 17:46:23 L. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Re: Promise Presentation Very, Very creative! A beautiful job! And a very nice tribute to your mom too and very romantic! She would be so very proud of you, Chris. |
317 | Date: 2007-07-23 14:14:32 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: REGARDING: You Should NOT Date Me If... Ok, I think you just might have lost your mind, lol! I cannot believe you created that grotesque background, that was the only thing I DID NOT LIKE, lol. Everything else was rather funny. I showed my friend, Roseann, I think she thinks you might be a little crazy. It sounds like, your search for the right woman has turned into front row seats at a roadside freak show, these people you meet sound insane, like some dark comedy, Quentin Tarantino directed, lol. Well I hope you find some one normal soon! Good Luck! |
316 | Date: 2007-07-23 14:13:02 K. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: REGARDING: You Should NOT Date Me If... That rocked!!! I pretty much agreed with you on everything. And I think that the straightforwardness is a great idea and should reduce the amount of time you’re wasting on woman who are probably more interested in the esq. after your name than who you are as a person. Oh, and I really liked the schlong line. |
315 | Date: 2007-06-18 18:54:05 M.F. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Well I'm not sure if you'll remember me but my name is ***. I dated your sister Brenda in high school. You might remember me better though because on my 18th birthday your family took me on a fishing trip that turned out to be the one from hell ( it stormed and everybody got sick). Well I was surfing the net and came across she dumped me. What a surprise when I saw the name attached to it! I hope you don't mind I took the time to write. I don't know where to begin about offering my deepest sorrows for the loss of your mom. She was a wonderful woman and always made me feel welcome in your home. I still have fond memories of her around the Jewish Holidays because she included me in all of them, from lighting the candles at Hanakkuh to explaining to your sister and I on what Kosher food was when Brenda made tacos for Passover. Once again I offer my deepest regrets for you and your family's loss So you're a lawyer! That doesn't surprise me, you were smart as hell and a hard worker. How is your dad and Brenda? I hope they are both well. I can go on forever about things I remember about you and your family but I'll wait to see if I get a reply. |
314 | Date: 2007-06-11 18:26:36 t. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I read your web site and it made me cry....How sweet can you be???? And courgaeous... How many guys would admit to wanting a love affair like mom and dad's How's your love life going??? Did you find that "special someone" since you made the site?? p.s. You're not only sweet but you're cute too !!!! |
313 | Date: 2007-06-05 02:40:22 Sharon ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Did a closing with this guy today...not the typical stuffy attorney; not too many friendly ones who make it fun for their client and the other parties in the room, including the closer. I laughed and didn't know this guy prior to today. Never heard of the website but curiousity got the best of me...had to check it out. He has no clue that I'm posting an entry and he may delete it for all I know. But he's sort of a Howie Mandel type guy and funny as all can be. He is a shorter and fit guy. I would say if you like to laugh -- give this guy a try...I'm trying to think of any friend who might be interested and who has a sense of humor to send his way... Anyway...good luck! |
312 | Date: 2007-05-30 15:42:25 H. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I'm 5'11". That's nothing in and of itself except for the fact that I'm ashamedly uncomfortable around men shorter than me. |
311 | Date: 2007-05-01 13:31:53 Laura ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I am seriously surprised that you have not found that special someone.....I enjoy your intelligence and humor very much....wish I were younger and single!!! Smiles, Laura |
310 | Date: 2007-03-30 12:56:46 NMC ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hate to break it to you..... but.......u are wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwway to short for me.. sorry.... good looke though. |
309 | Date: 2007-03-06 14:23:46 maryjo ( no email / no homepage) wrote: you are too funny, love the website!!!! I'm 52, do you have any older brothers, uncles or cousins like you lol.....I am sure you will go far in life.... |
308 | Date: 2007-03-01 21:56:11 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I checked out your site and thought it was fantastic and hysterical. |
307 | Date: 2007-02-28 18:59:54 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I have to say your website made me smile =). |
306 | Date: 2007-02-25 02:31:58 Joanna ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your website is so funny. Good luck to you. |
305 | Date: 2007-02-24 22:42:40 N. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: pretty cool a kick out of it. |
304 | Date: 2007-02-22 20:33:25 E. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You are sooooooo funny! E. |
303 | Date: 2007-02-20 16:10:58 CityGirl ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I am also one of those women who wants to date a man at my height or slightly above and being a true 5'10" without the shoes, it would be too big a difference. In my younger days I was an equal-opportunity height dater but some things we learn from. Good luck to you! CityGirl |
302 | Date: 2007-02-20 04:34:17 E. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Chris, Or should I say Mr. Dumped? I cannot stop laughing, your website is hilarious, unique..I don't even know what to call it. I do give you a lot of credit for it. To put everything about you in the open...not everyone will do that. |
301 | Date: 2007-02-08 20:28:41 F. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I love your site!!!!!!! Its just great. |
300 | Date: 2007-02-06 03:07:52 t ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I'm 5'8 and would rather be up front and honest. The height is an issue. Best of luck in your search. It's a jungle out there.... T |
299 | Date: 2007-02-03 02:27:19 Kristin ( / no homepage) wrote: I think you are totally nutz and I love it!!!!Coffee!! COFFEE!! COFFEE!!! Kristin |
298 | Date: 2007-01-31 04:04:00 Alisha ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey Chris, I think your addition to your website was honest and sweet, it's how you feel, and it's time for you to move on and find your match. No more games, no more coffee, lol! You didn't like the model, lol? I wish you the best of luck! |
297 | Date: 2007-01-22 23:20:46 D ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi there!! Very Impressive, I just got off your website... Why arent you a movie star or something? You're awesome!! Although a little too over the top for me. Good luck with your search :) Deb |
296 | Date: 2007-01-19 01:20:57 esq ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Counsellor: your website is the funniest thing i have seen in a long time. if that does not get at least a few nice women to look at you, i would be very surprised. good luck to you in your pursuits! |
295 | Date: 2007-01-15 18:57:26 C. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You are just too f@#$%^ funny! |
293 | Date: 2007-01-13 00:06:50 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Chris, Unfortunately, I am a person who is taller than you, (5'7" - really almost 5'8" but I didn't want to get accused of misstatements) and who weighs about the same as you (146), and I need to be with someone bigger than me. I wish you much success, |
292 | Date: 2007-01-12 16:14:17 lilacrose11 ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I hate be shallow but is your profile correct that you are 5'5? |
291 | Date: 2007-01-12 00:28:09 doc ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Chris, I am a little uncomfortable with the height difference. I am sorry. I'm sure you're a great person, and wish you the best of luck finding that special woman. Even I as a doctor am prone to men who want a "doctor fuck." Anyhow, Nice meeting you and good luck. |
290 | Date: 2007-01-09 15:33:34 Malyss ( no email / no homepage) wrote: From Terry Pratchett's _Witches_Abroad_ : "My name's Casanunda," he said. "I'm reputed to be the world's greatest lover. What do you think?" Nanny Ogg looked him up and down or, at least, down and further down. "You're a dwarf," she said. "Size isn't important." |
289 | Date: 2007-01-07 16:12:11 Erez ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi, i am Erez from Isreal. i got dumped and was looking for friend who share the situation. i liked your site. good luck. |
288 | Date: 2007-01-01 18:00:02 Frank ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dude, Good Luck, it wont be long. I thought I'd never find the love of my life but I did. When I no longer see your site online, then I know you found her. Take care and God Bless, Frank |
287 | Date: 2006-12-31 05:56:45 L. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your site is, well neat. Though I am not looking...I think you are very creative and wish you lots of luck! |
286 | Date: 2006-12-27 05:26:48 Becca ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just have to tell you that I thought your web site was hilarious, yet so heartfelt and honest. I think it's a fabulous idea, and frankly, perhaps one I should mimic for myself and a friend. Haha.....Frankly darling, you're a genius! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah--would love to meet a Messianic Jew who celebrated both!! The more the merrier! |
285 | Date: 2006-12-20 01:38:20 Megan ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Chris You seem like a good guy with a sense of humor, which is definitely a plus...unfortunately the height thing is a roadblock for me. |
284 | Date: 2006-12-05 18:52:31 N. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Mr. Dumped You made my day!! It has been a pretty tense morning, but after seeing you website I laughed out loud. Very witty! Very brave! Cudos!! |
283 | Date: 2006-10-15 05:46:02 P. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think it is not only interesting, informative and artistically colorful but you are truly a riot. Thanks for the laugh and best of luck finding the perfect someone! I have no idea where Somerset is or I would take you up on the coffee offer, as you seem like the kind of guy everyone should have in their life. |
282 | Date: 2006-10-11 20:17:38 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I must confess, an inch I can deal with, 4 is a bit much but LOVED your website and your sense of humor is wonderful and lacking in most people I know. |
281 | Date: 2006-10-11 01:54:32 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I find your approach refreshing, but unfortunately being as tall as I am, I have a real hang-up about dating substantially shorter men. Good luck and I think your approach will definitely work. |
280 | Date: 2006-10-08 22:34:00 mahdeecone ( no email / no homepage) wrote: PIECE OF SHIT! |
279 | Date: 2006-10-04 03:25:36 Shari ( / wrote: You are adorable and I would love to go for coffee with you! |
278 | Date: 2006-09-29 14:38:45 Red ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I find everything about you extremely disgusting and rude. |
277 | Date: 2006-09-27 21:05:25 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dear Chris, I just have to tell you that you are awesome! I think it takes a lot of guts and brawn to turn something horrible (getting dumped) into something amusing (the site). |
276 | Date: 2006-09-23 04:04:20 Cassie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Weeeeeeeeee, that was fun seeing my little note pop up!! Yes, I am easily ammused -lol |
275 | Date: 2006-09-23 04:01:34 Cassie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Very funny creative way to meet people. You should post updates as to how things are going with your dating life. I'm sure other's would be interested in knowing how this all has worked or not worked for you. Good Luck. |
274 | Date: 2006-09-19 04:51:18 annon ( no email / no homepage) wrote: It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dream for the adventure of being alive. It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon... I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful be realistic remember the limitations of being human. It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see Beauty even when it is not pretty every day. And if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure yours and mine and still stand at the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes.” It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children. It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back. It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments. |
273 | Date: 2006-09-16 15:07:56 Amethyst ( / no homepage) wrote: You and I shot a few emails back and forth January 2002. Came across one of them and clicked on the site to see if it's still up.... I see it is and I'm wondering how things have worked out for you. I love how you take something that happens to all of us and make the best of it; it's wonderful! Good luck in finding what you seek and/or wanting what you find. :) |
272 | Date: 2006-09-09 02:59:29 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just wanted to say that you seem adorable, goodluck on your search |
271 | Date: 2006-09-06 16:48:24 F. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I am not looking for a date. I am just another attorney who got your website on my attorney list. You made me laugh and laugh, especially about the part where attorneys are not rich. If you are really smart, follow your great sense of humor out of this business and into comedy. Good luck finding a woman. Maybe we'll meet in court one day. |
270 | Date: 2006-09-06 00:37:20 M ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think that you are an interesting person with a well rounded personality. There should be more people like that! Yes, honesty is important and that is what i am trying to do right now. I understand that you do not mind taller women but i do mind shorter men. Looks are not very important to me. But, I dont even have girlfriends that are shorter than 5'8. That is just what i am and how i am used to seeing people. But, in case you have a friend or even a coworker who is 5'11 or taller and is interested in meeting good looking and intelligent woman feel free to let me know.. Thanks, M |
269 | Date: 2006-09-02 12:28:29 S. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I found you hilarious and even more hilarious website. Unfortunately, I'm in Buffalo, drink and smoke cigs....regardless, I found your humor refreshing. There are thousands of us out there too. |
268 | Date: 2006-09-02 12:24:44 B. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi. Has it ever occured to you that you're having so much trouble finding someone ,because perhaps your ex was the right one for you, and you're not meant to be with someone else? Another thing, It's a good thing you don't want kids, because when you have kids they come first. I have 3 of my own, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm also only 4 years older than you. Of course there's a alot of sacrifices, but they are definetly worth it. I realize you're not willing to make those sacrifices now, but what will you say 10 years from now at 44? With all that money and success who do you have to share it with? You may turn around and realize that you're an old bachelor who has no one. That would be sad. Perhaps you may regret not having kids. Personally I think that you won't find a woman anywhere on this planet that doesn't want kids. It's a woman's natural instinct to have babies. Unless you find someone that physically can't have them, or doesn't like kids, I doubt anyone will be right for you. Women that can't have them usually make up some excuse they don't want them. I'll tell you something, I had my first child real easy, but my other 2 took alot of work. Most women have trouble nowadays, ie: infertility, premature babies, miscarriages, still-births, and even birth defects. I heard that as well as women's eggs getting old that men's sperm also become less healthy with age. You better not wait too long, because kids are a blessing. Once you mature you will understand that. Try holding a premature baby, or an 18 week old dead fetus, and then maybe you will realize how important kids and family are. One of my aunts said she didn't want kids, and realized at 50 years old that she missed out. She ended up adopting an african american kid. Even she couldn't deny what's really important in life. Money, careers, your cars, your newspaper stories or media coverage can never compare to having a family of your own. Wake up!!!! It was a mistake to let your ex go. This website may seem funny to you and others, but when you really get down to it,it's just another excuse for being immature and avoiding growing up. I hope you can stop and think about this e-mail. I'm not always right, but in this instance alot of people( the mature ones anyway) will agree with me. Get your ex back. She may be your destiny and soulmate. Please listen to me. Do what ever you can to get her back!! |
267 | Date: 2006-08-26 17:45:44 J. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You are hilarious! Love the website. It's great to see someone who knows what he is looking for. |
266 | Date: 2006-08-19 19:33:34 massachusetts ( no email / no homepage) wrote: i loooved your site and the whole thing. gee if i wernt married allready to a great guy, id be on the next train to new jersey to check you out! i coulda been a contender!!! good luck!! massachusetts |
265 | Date: 2006-08-19 19:26:11 Darlene ( no email / no homepage) wrote: OMG... all I can say is that your webpage had me laughing in stitches... Thank you so much for putting a smile on my face.... =) |
264 | Date: 2006-08-19 11:16:06 Georgia ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great Website .... Best of Luck to a very talented young man! Smiling, Georgia |
263 | Date: 2006-08-15 13:36:48 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: get over it asshole |
262 | Date: 2006-08-14 02:41:24 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Loved the website...very original and very funny!! |
261 | Date: 2006-08-12 14:51:01 g. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: poor Mr. dumped..... if you are anything like your web site, then you must be quite a character!!!!in a good sense. |
260 | Date: 2006-08-11 21:52:19 patty ( / no homepage) wrote: you are a character & 1/2!!! |
259 | Date: 2006-08-04 05:02:26 T. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Not looking but loved your website! |
258 | Date: 2006-08-01 17:07:03 vanessa ( / no homepage) wrote: I LOVE THIS PAGE!!! I am so happy to see you turned a sour moment in you life into a postive. Others should see you as a exampe!!! |
257 | Date: 2006-07-31 04:28:01 The Big V ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Love the site- and the van. From one singleton to another- may the so-called force be with you. It's tough for us women too... |
256 | Date: 2006-07-30 12:37:04 Bryan ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I liek the site and yes I agree with you, some women are so shallow to that..Why don't they jsut tell the truth, we are mature adults, we can handle it I am sure.. Bryan |
255 | Date: 2006-07-19 18:24:08 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Loved your site. Let's satisfy each other. I need a divorce (currently separated) in exchange for sex Sorry if I blunt. |
254 | Date: 2006-07-13 02:10:59 Judy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I stumbled upon your web site, it was so entertaining that I don't even remember what I was doing prior. You are a crazy but very sweet guy. I wish only the best for you. Judy |
253 | Date: 2006-07-09 00:18:36 L. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Wow, what a website! I think you are one amazing guy and your girlfriend was crazy to dump you. I just wanted to tell you that I love the website and I wish you the best. |
252 | Date: 2006-07-09 00:17:34 Wendy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just wanted to thank you for your site, I just visited it after finding the link from craigslist... we have very odd things in common... similar relationship situations with almost the same lengths on each... similar upbringing.. we were even students at rutgers at the same time.. not interested in meeting anynone right now, I'm still licking my fresh wounds.. but thank you for your positive attitude.. it made me feel a lot better than bad advice from well-meaning friends.. best of luck to you, although you seem to be doing fine on your own! Wendy |
251 | Date: 2006-07-08 02:15:41 R. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just wanted to take a moment and commend you on your wonderful positive outlook! I hope that in time I will learn to laugh at myself in the same way you have mastered this skill. I am sure it must ease your road through life. Thank you |
250 | Date: 2006-07-06 01:21:46 Liz ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You're a loser. Get over her. |
249 | Date: 2006-07-01 14:29:44 Lindsay ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your web site is absolutely hilarious, as I am positive you have heard that before. I am actually looking for the real deal and that entails just a great, witty guy. However, I do, at some point want children. Therefore, we would probably not be a match. Good luck to you... Lindsay |
248 | Date: 2006-01-01 05:40:04 Betsy Taylor ( / no homepage) wrote: hello Chris: Ingenious, light-hearted, creative, handsome, successful, self-directed, single... All high quality traits - ANY woman would be blessed to have a man of such qualities - especially when you add "the original romantic" to the equation. I don't know - perhaps look to the ladies in their 40's - we already know where we want to go, be and do - and we can appreciate a man of quality, without getting hung up on the little details. I'd say good luck, but you don't need it. I think your humor masks the man of wonder who resides beneath those wonderful dark eyes of yours - who houses a heart waiting for a taste of love eternal. If you ever find yourself in Melbourne, Australia, I'll have a cup of cappucino with you, any day! Many Blessings. |
247 | Date: 2005-07-11 22:31:36 H. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello, I just wanted to tell you that i thought your site "" was incrediably creative. My friend and i were driving home from Point Pleasant earlier today and we saw a car with a website address on it and as conversation started rolling, i told her that i always saw this car around the corner from my house that said "" along the back window and i had always thought of going onto that web address to see what it was. Well, i finally did, five minutes ago and i wanted to say having a sense of humor is a great thing and that i hope everything works out for you. Hopefully this email does not irritate you in anyway but at the end of the site it did say to email and tell you how i found the site and that's how i found it. Before i drove i walked everywhere and your office is literally around the corner from my home. H. |
246 | Date: 2005-07-10 20:38:26 Peter ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, Do you still have your van? I am interested in renting it for a television commercial. Please let me know. Thanks, Peter |
245 | Date: 2005-06-15 22:13:55 F.B. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Excellent web page - I've just been dumped by my husband or 8 years! Brilliant eh! Left with a 4 year old son and he's just closed our joint bank account so have no money now! Hope you have good luck with the loooooove! F.B. UK |
244 | Date: 2005-05-16 23:13:19 irene ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dear Mr Dumped, You know, you say you would like to meet up with new people (okay, WOMEN) for a cup of coffee and there's no way somebody at the other end of the country -- not to mention the other end of the world -- could manage that at short notice. See? We DO need weeks of preparation!!! heheheh. It sounded to me like you were only open to consider someone who lives in the same county or state, which is a pity, coz you're funny enough that I would have gone for that cup of coffee with you if I were living in, uh, where do you live? -- Hillsborough, New Jersey, the United States of America. Of course, I probably would have brought a friend along to help act as bodyguard-cum-chaperone, and conversation might have been a bit awkward and stilted, but what the hell. Still, it's kinda a moot point, right? I find it very amusing that you're a lawyer, coz I went to law school but refused to practice law. I have surrendered nearly all my legal knowledge (or it has evaporated from my brain -- funny how information seems to have a way of doing that) but as you can see, the one thing I didn't lose was the ability to say something in 50 words instead of 10. My lecturers would be proud. Best regards, irene |
243 | Date: 2005-04-24 17:32:12 Suzanne ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Will wonders never cease... Ran across your website and geez louise you're a cutie patootie! Now I'm most likely way too OLD for you (41 years young and the clocks tick faster in Wichita, Kansas... trust me... it's a proven scientific phenomenon) not to mention a myriad of other blocks in the pathway of mutual hotness, but hey... don't fault me for flirtin'. Nice page, friend, and thanks for the belly laugh! Whatta hoot! One who commiserates, Suzanne |
242 | Date: 2005-04-24 17:31:26 Rachel ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I applaud your efforts! Being single myself, I know how difficult it is to find that "someone. I appreciate your sense of humor and wish you the best of luck. |
241 | Date: 2005-02-22 02:00:12 Katya ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello Chris, I am watching this movie 'Mission Impossible' for the first time, and I just remembered about your website music.. you know what i am talking about :D You know, I think we can be friends.. I am pretty sure you would love to. I am getting license on Wednesday, if you wanna go to movie some day.. you know where to find me. I promise not to bring you a chocolate milk anymore :)) Regards, Katya |
240 | Date: 2005-02-11 03:02:16 S.H.N. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You spend WAAaay! too much time on the computer and not out looking for your "Perfect Woman". Can I have her name, as I have no problem with kids and don't whine about my debts? |
239 | Date: 2004-12-01 15:09:13 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dear Christopher: Thanks for your reply. Being an author is just part of what I do, I'm a personal public relations and image consultant and writer, and my website is really my online portfolio. I doubt this is any more impressive than any other job although it is more visible :-) I appreciate your response to my query, although it left me with more questions than it answered. You aren't the first or only person to advertise a search for love, but yours is interesting to me because you are obviously clever, cute and have a wry sense of humor. If you really want to find the right person, especially with the visibility and publicity you have, you should have no trouble doing so, even though there are a lot of women in your age range with biological clocks madly ticking away. I do appreciate the fact that your ex girlfriend changed her motives for dating in mid-relationship with you. It's natural to do so, but when it happens, the other partner either has to adjust so that the relationship can survive, or it dies. But believe me, there are plenty of women (and increasing) who do not want children and they are not bitter, uncaring monsters, just not into the mommy track. On a personal note, I am one of those women, and my (younger) husband was attracted to me partially because I didn't want children and was not the least bit ambivalent about letting him know that. I have my own suspicions as to why you're not with the person you say you want, just yet. I don't do dating coaching for free nor do I offer unsolicited advice. After spending $1,000 in coffee dates however, you might want to re-consider your thought process about dating. If you want to access my personal counsel, perhaps we can work some sort of a deal since I am looking for more online advice clients, and your web site might possibly be a place where you could chronicle some of your success, for a change, if I am able to help you. Anyway, it's just a thought. But as for free advice, you are obviously not using a targeted approach to finding someone, even though the Internet has a huge audience. The large majority of the people who visit your web site will be curious and male. Your web site, however clever, sends a mixed message to women and who would want to be possibly featured on that web site if things didn't work out with you? Also, in my first book *** my co-author and I suggest that bulk dating (that is, dating everything that moves) is a sure ticket to burnout. You also talk a great deal about what you want, but not so much about what you have to offer. You make a big deal that you want a Ferrari, not a baby. If, as you claim (but I don't agree) every woman on the planet wants a baby and not a Ferarri, what are you going to be offering them to make them want to be with you? You are a lawyer so you are used to negotiation. Is a baby completely non-negotiable forever, or just not for now? When you make it clear what you can offer as well as what you want, you'll do better. Well, those are my initial thoughts. Again, I appreciate your willingness to write back and I wish you love, success and happiness. A. |
238 | Date: 2004-11-11 20:17:00 Suz. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I love your web site! Great idea. And you should not have any problems finding a good women. Sounds like you have a lot to offer. Good luck in your search |
237 | Date: 2004-11-06 17:32:37 C. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I like your web page Just a matter of time you will find that somebody - No doubt Never give up ! |
236 | Date: 2004-11-06 03:54:54 c.a. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just keep like that! (being single) |
235 | Date: 2004-10-16 01:32:29 Tracy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just stumbled across your site tonight. Very interesting... Recently dumped myself. Tell me, Mr. Puzzele, have you had any luck? I'm beginning to think that there is not one man out there that is good match for me and I for him. It is discouraging, especially when you allow yourself to fall in love. But! that's the way of it I suppose. Good luck to you and I wish you the best in your endeavors. Sincerely, Tracy |
234 | Date: 2004-10-07 16:43:22 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Chris, I don't know if you remember me but I emailed you shortly after you created this site. I live in Oklahoma and teach history. I tell all my students about your site and they just crack up. I see you have become rather famous and have met many, many women! Good for you! I hope things are going well for you and just wanted to say hi. I don't know if you ever came to terms with your ex,Last time we talked, she just wanted to be friends. Regarding the teaching, contact all the community colleges in your area and send them your curriculum vitae and an application. Most colleges have their apps on line. You will also need to provide a transcript. If you lived closer, I would recommend you to teach at my institution. At least I know you would be entertaining. My situation has stabilized here in the land of tornados and rednecks. The guy who had dumped me at the same time you were dumped, finally realized what an idiot he was. We dated for another year after and now cohabitate. I am not ready to get married yet but it is coming in the next couple of years. But I always appreciated your kind words as I struggled through those lonely days and nights after my breakup. You were sweet. I hope you find someone deserving of you. |
233 | Date: 2004-10-03 14:42:19 Charlie ( / wrote: Hey Chris I hope you don't mind if I Share this with your visitors. FIND NEW AND COMPLETELY COOL DIFFERENT THIINGS TO DO IN NEW JERSEY WWW.FUNNEWJERSEY.COM Do these things and much more! Night time Horseback riding (with all the beer you can drink). Go Skeet shooting. (You do not need a gun or a licence) Drive a real race car! Ghost tours in NJ Where to go BOBSLEDDING and dogh sledding this winter Great bars and club info And Chris You can learn where to take DANCING LESSONS TOO!! All on Check it out Thanx |
232 | Date: 2004-09-17 03:13:26 Julie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Bonjour Monsieur, Félicitation pour votre site, je trouve l'idée originale. Vous avez un sacré culot qui démontre bien votre sens de l'humour et votre côté marginal. Je suis par contre un peu déçu de ne pouvoir trouver plus de photo de vous...Il est honnête de vouloir en connaître d'avantage sur l'homme qui se cache derrière votre personnage. Bien peu d'information pertinente se trouve dans vos belles pages. J'oserai difficilement prendre rendez-vous avec vous si peu d'information ... mais d'un autre côté, vous avez piqué ma curiosité! Lisez-vous le français? Maybe not... I might never hear from you ??? Will you be curious enough to write me back... Voila! Au revoir et bonne chance, Julie |
231 | Date: 2004-09-08 20:33:38 Christina ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Chris, I was driving behind your corvette this morning, on West Canal Road, and turned off before the 287 junction. Seeing the web address on your back window intrigued me, so I sent myself a text email from my cell phone with the url. Sorry you were dumped, but glad you created the site. It gave me a few great laughs. I'm interested in obtaining a copy of your book: "Conquering College: Getting by for doing Zilch". Is it still available? If so, please let me know the cost, and where to send payment. :-) Take care! Christina |
230 | Date: 2004-09-06 14:23:05 R. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Chris- I saw you driving home today from Woodbridge. Your rear windshield was pushing all of my curiosity buttons. I've gotta tell you, this whole idea makes me smile. I love your creativity and perseverance. Those people who are bashing you on the ‘corkboard’ can’t spell. That alone should tell you something. (Do they not have ‘spell check?) Yes, you CAN have the first meeting be a cup of coffee! And if it’s worth the investment, go for a nice dinner. Keep plugging. You have a rib-tickler thing going. Are you a good/successful lawyer, too? If I think of anyone to send your way, I will. You sound like a fun kinda’ guy. Yeah, I’m a fun kinda’ gal, but I’m old enough to be your mom and I’ve got a man. I didn’t answer on your website message board because I didn’t want my address displayed to anyone else. My advice? Sit up straight in the car, silly! |
229 | Date: 2004-08-19 06:10:11 Katya ( / no homepage) wrote: hey Chris, i was sitting here watching Olympics and suddenly remembered about your web-site.. you said you gonna close it when you find someone special.. so as I come here website is still on so you are still dumped.. You know, i just realized that you are not looking for what you are looking for. You are not being yourself. You are a great lawer and you think you are really caring funny guy.. You are so proud of yourself in the newspapers all over the world.. well, I am in the paper too now, so what!?! People recognize me on the streets of Hillsborough just because I was a pingpong champ some time back to Russia.. I didn't do anything super cooool, but people like me. They are really happy for me and I am happy for them :) I am being myself. You are cool guy, I think if you forget for a moment that you "need" a girl, she will come to you.. My advice to you Chris.. close this web-site, be yourself, forget about just dating so many girls - wasting of time dude! Change your own viewing at girls and world. You are lawer, take vacation, go some place to relax and everything is gonna be alright. Good luck, peace, katya. |
228 | Date: 2004-08-15 06:52:31 Odie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I saw your website because of my older sister, your website wasn't so much funny as it was sad... I'm sorry that's pretty harsh, but I'm honest like that. You just might reconsider wearing that tie with a suit, no one will take you seriously. I love your converse sneakers though! |
227 | Date: 2004-08-04 01:56:51 Stephanie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Wow, quite a website you have there. Since you have asked for honesty, I'm going to be honest with you. It was somewhat of a turn-off for me to see that you take something so personal (8-year relationship) and make it so public (on the internet, in the newspapers, etc). If I meet you for coffee, and things do not go well, are you going to write about me and criticize me on your website? Will I wake up on Thursday and find an article in the paper with the headline "Dumped....Again!"? I don't think I want to take the chance. I hope things work out for you....I hope you find your "special someone." Stephanie |
226 | Date: 2004-07-14 23:55:08 e. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dear Mr Dumped, Your name is very depressing! Your life doesn't sound all that bad, brighten up! |
225 | Date: 2004-07-05 19:35:33 Maya ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I looked at your website and realized that you're smaller than me. I'm 5"6' ( 168 cm ). I wouldn't like to imbarrase you when I put the high heels shoes on. Sincerely, Maya |
224 | Date: 2004-06-23 07:57:20 John ( no email / no homepage) wrote: One can draw certain conclusions from your website. Sure, you may claim to have a great sense of humor, but done more as a ploy to meet people (apparently due to your obvious lack of social interaction throghout life), I would assume it's failed in netting you any worthwhile friends or dates. You dress (and even your website) like you just came out of some 80's video. It's 2004, please update your wardrobe appropriately. Not too many women dig an 80's vette. Unless of course they're into 80's type of music (which I assume you would be into), and like an 80's type of guy, in which case you're in luck. Apparently if you're still single...maybe you should change who you are aesthetically. Most women like security. A man in his 30s more preoccupied with video games and dating isn't secure. Again, netting someone worthwhile, while being brutally honest, probably won't work. You're a lawyer...lie a little. If you've managed to save up enough money to pay your student loan off in 4 years (I was undoubtedly impressed!), you can obviously affort to take someone to a descent restaurant, as opposed to Chili's or Bennigan's. I understand it's a matter of principle, but even with the morals and values plummeting in this country, paying for a woman's meal is still considered the norm, let alone chivalrous. So the date may never lead anywhere, at least there's one less person in this world that thinks you're a cheapskate. Like any other opinion, it should be taken with a grain of salt...but seriously, you've done enough "looking inside yourself". Start looking on the outside. |
223 | Date: 2004-06-22 17:54:22 G. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Wow, I actually think that you may be even crazier than I am. Ur website certainly gave me a laugh, but I fear jhas also rendered me speachless which some would say is quite an accomplishment, congrats. |
222 | Date: 2004-06-10 17:59:39 - ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi! i loved your website...very creative and funny. you seem like a very accomplished man. you should be proud of yourself! if you ever perform at the stress factory again, let me know. |
221 | Date: 2004-06-08 14:13:53 E. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I have to tell you that I got a pretty good laugh from your website. I am sorry to say that I am not one to jump in too fast. I personally like to take things slow and try the email thing for a little while. I don't meet anyone right away- I am very cautious. |
220 | Date: 2004-06-01 17:34:39 t. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey, Thanks for your very entertaining website. If I were a 'spring' chicken, I could possibly wait to have kids but alas my biological & maternal clock's ticking and so I am looking for something to lead to marriage and children. Religion's important to me as well... Good luck in your search! |
219 | Date: 2004-05-15 16:04:37 Katya ( / wrote: Have a great time of catching people Chris :) Hope you liked my chocolate milk. Peace, Katya |
218 | Date: 2004-05-06 17:41:16 B. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Interesting site. I had fun. |
217 | Date: 2004-04-28 05:01:38 b.l. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Posting a website like you did freaks me out a little. I'm sure you'll find someone that thinks it's funny. Good luck! |
216 | Date: 2004-04-22 20:23:06 katya ( / wrote: haha :) I think your web is much more novigated and fashion than mine.. i will ask you to give me some classes of web-design :) |
215 | Date: 2004-04-21 18:44:42 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: your website is way over the i am scared to meet you |
214 | Date: 2004-04-18 22:32:08 katya ( / wrote: You are great man and the most thing I like in you is loving a life. You seem proud of yourself and I am proud of that too. I am proud of myself when others can say I am nobody in this life... i am 16 |
213 | Date: 2004-04-08 22:47:47 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I thought your website was brave, entertaining and outright wonderful! I can't get the music out of my head. I don't think we'd be compatible though and you would probably kill me after our first date. I wish you the best of luck finding her! |
212 | Date: 2004-03-29 05:11:54 Jessica Williams ( no email / no homepage) wrote: If you don't change your way of looking for a new'll be alone for a long time. One thing you have to that love is a two way traffic. You are acting like it is your highway or no highway. Man, education is not seems to me like you are lacking common sense. I feel for you. When you meet the kind of girlfriend you are looking for ...please let all who visited your web site know. Thanks and grow up a little bit. |
211 | Date: 2004-03-26 19:03:26 J. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I can understand why she dumped you! |
210 | Date: 2004-03-25 18:23:45 m. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I have to admit, the web site was a bit over the top for me. You seem very nice but I'm taking this slow and obviously you are not. Your website is quite amusing, but in my opinion, it's also a turnoff. Even though you state you are over your ex and have put her behind you, the fact that you still have this site and use it two years later is a bit odd. |
209 | Date: 2004-03-24 19:13:14 J. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Interesting site... |
208 | Date: 2004-03-24 14:47:13 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello there, Just want to tell you that I think your website is great. Very creative! I really enjoyed it. I didn't feel a connection, but want to let you know that I genuinely appreciate your messages. I wish you the best of fun and happiness in your search! Best wishes, |
207 | Date: 2004-03-23 19:02:16 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your website is hilarious! However, it has certainly convinced me that we are definitely not a match (I really want kids some day). But best of luck with your future search, and thank you for showing the way for a lot of people to heal - by bringing some much needed humor to a serious situation! |
206 | Date: 2004-03-19 22:27:07 bethany ( no email / no homepage) wrote: you need to seek some counseling! |
205 | Date: 2004-03-17 17:32:44 e. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: It's a turn off that you made a website about yourself titiling it she dumped me. You sound like a great guy why are yuo still holding a grudge about it? Or did you do this becuase you thought it was funny? Just curious but it defintely isn't a turn on that you went that far with it. Good luck on your search. |
204 | Date: 2004-02-25 05:16:38 j.g. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I don't think we are a love match, but you are HYSTERICAL!!!!!! I e-mailed my mom, sister and friend to check out your site. You are too funny. Thanks for making me laugh like I haven't in a really long time! Best wishes. |
203 | Date: 2004-02-24 01:15:03 Kanda' ( / no homepage) wrote: Greetings... The answers available to your 10 questions you should never ask quiz, tell me more about WHY you were dumped than anything else on the site. Have you considered the possibility that you may be Over Feminized? And That might be the reason you are still single... Women crave a strong man - not a cruel man. I've never been "dumped" - Oh certainly I've had relationships that have ended - But never in a way that you have described. I found it impossible to answer any of the questions - there were no available answers that even came close to what a "Strong" Male personality would choose. |
202 | Date: 2004-02-22 22:05:05 s. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: To tell you the truth, I have never believed that women and men can be just friends when each party is single (and my past experience has always supported this theory.) So I wish you the best in your search and with your intelligence and creativity, I doubt that you will have a problem meeting the right woman for you. Good luck and take care. |
201 | Date: 2004-02-22 19:31:27 SM ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your website is too funny (albeit controversial). I really enjoyed it... I've been dumped too, but always remember don't sell yourself short. I know it's really hard to find someone that you're totally compatible with but good things come to those who wait. Good luck and thanks for the entertainment. |
200 | Date: 2004-02-06 22:39:42 b. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: maybe you should resolve your issues with this woman that dumped you first |
199 | Date: 2004-02-01 22:31:11 amy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Wow Chris! That was fantastic. What an example of turning an obstacle into and opportunity! BRAVO for YOU! . . . Your situation and what you have done with it makes me smile and gives me cautious optimism that joy comes to you in mysterious ways through strange avenues. I am sure doing this has been tremendous for you and I hope the old ‘girlfriend’ lives in regret for the rest of her life over losing you! Good Luck, although I don’t feel you need it. Luck is where effort meets opportunity and you are already there Chris! Amy |
198 | Date: 2004-02-01 19:50:10 M. P. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great website and great attitude towards life. I wish you the best of success in all your endeavors, both personal and professional. I saw you car outside of fuddruckers on Rte. 23 and loved the website name. Have a great life and a great time with your search. Still smiling, ... P.S. I'm also a Chiropractor in Paterson, NJ. If I can be of any profesional help or service to any of your clients involved in an automobile accident, slip and fall, etc, I would love to establish a mutually beneficial working relationship with you and your firm. I wish you a most prosperous and sucessful 2004. Again, love the website! Take care and God Bless. |
197 | Date: 2004-01-29 08:07:51 Charlie ( no email / wrote: Check out hundreds and hundreds of things to do in New Jersey. Great places to take a date and romantic getaways at Click on the link above Hey "she dumped me" guy . Go to this website and find cool things to with your next date and maybee she wont leave you |
196 | Date: 2004-01-29 04:49:35 Lynette ( / no homepage) wrote: I am curious to know what your ex thinks about your site. I think it is so cute. You have a great sense of humor and remember humor and youthful exuberance are key in being a parent. One day, you will make a wonderful father. Your ex could have kids NOW with a real jerk who pays no attention to the kids. I think she made a mistake, but it is her mistake to make. My hubby is a hard worker and provides well but he is a kid at heart and LOVES playing Nintendo with the kids and is an outstanding father. I am sure you will be the same one day as well. Good luck finding Miss Right. |
195 | Date: 2004-01-28 05:11:55 dawn ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dear Dumped, I had a chance to review your website. Everyone has up and downs, single and married, I've actually found that things are Usually not as they appear as people are paired off at social functions and for holiday pictures. I admire your creativity, but also took a look at the statistics for the site. . . You seem to be missing the idea. Creation of value is a perception, whether it be people or things. You may have simplified a bit too much. Being patient and doing what you enjoy is the journey. You seem like a great guy, slow down and relax. Dawn |
194 | Date: 2004-01-28 00:57:33 d.d. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I don't think she dumped you for the reason you said. You are a nice looking fella but I think she dumped you because you are a braggard. Noone needs to know about your loans that you paid off unless you are trying to let us know that you have a lot of money. You may have made the biggest mistake of your life by letting this good woman go because you "do not want kids right now." You seem to have very good morals other wise. |
193 | Date: 2004-01-21 23:52:30 Iris ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Chris I was in stitches wiith my crayons rolling all over the floor! Not sure what some of this others are thiking and frankly don't care but I think you rock! It is good to laugh at oneself ...far better than to sit in self pity! My crayon box to you! Iris |
192 | Date: 2004-01-13 03:43:54 B.R. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think you are mentally unstable - your webpage speaks wonders about you. If you are so desperate, find it elsewheres. Women are turned off by this. |
191 | Date: 2004-01-06 21:40:01 Mr. Dumped, Esq. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: A Message from Mr. Dumped, Esq. Here is yet another email message I just received. I
wonder if that is what the person 'really' looks like. Gee... and
people wonder why I skip the emails and insist on just meeting for coffee:
190 | Date: 2003-12-30 15:25:16 youknowwho ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I never saw your car that clean. Where is the sign in the back window? This sight reminds me of the whorehouse scene in Bettlejuice |
189 | Date: 2003-12-25 18:30:13 O. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hey hi i looked at your preposterous wedsite and i must say it was really preposterous, i must say i didnt like the fact that all u had to say was how someone broke your heart and how heart broken u were but anyways i cant jugde u on that it's the way u choose to deal with the heart break. |
188 | Date: 2003-12-17 04:34:28 Mark ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Checked out your website, too cute! How could a female type web surfer not at least try a testdrive. However, your 'preferred' female does not exist, in my experience at least (me: old, dumped and divorced) but good luck and happy hunting anyway |
187 | Date: 2003-12-11 04:41:49 Shelley ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dear Mr Dumped, To be perfectly honest, I must admit that I'm not writing to you to enquire about when next you're free from coffee. In fact, as an eighteen year old girl living in Australia, it can only be assumed I'm not your type. ;) Nevertheless, I have enjoyed my journey to your site, despite the fact my voyage there was largely accidental. Believe it or not, I have spent the better part of this evening researching "how to sue a lawyer". (.... not that I'm implying that there's a reason as to why I came across your name ...) Anyway, I hope everything goes well for you in your search for Mrs Right. While I'm on that topic, goodluck with your career. Personally speaking, I just finished year 12, and I'm planning to start a double degree in Law and Business soon. (Maybe I should get my hands on your book!!) ... Don't worry. I'm only joking. I know what they say about working hard -- "no labour, however humble, is dishonouring." (Okay, fine, you caught me. I'm not Jewish. But I thought you might like a little excerpt from the Talmud?) ... For the record, one of my parents comes from a Catholic background too. I'm Christian myself, although I'm more charasmatic/pentecostal as opposed to more traditional) On that note, I suppose it's most appropriate to end my letter with "God Bless". Thanks again for making me laugh with your web page -- and for providing a much welcome distraction from my research. Regards, Shelley |
186 | Date: 2003-09-25 03:07:20 Mike ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You go dude. We've all been there. I salute you for having the Cajones to do something like this, I sure as hell wouldn't . Hang in there man |
185 | Date: 2003-09-25 02:17:12 Chris ( no email / wrote: Dude you are so gay. I mean come on get serious. No wonder your single. Your boring and goofy looking. The website would be kinda cute if a girl made it. Im sorry but its true guy. Your a looser |
184 | Date: 2003-09-20 15:43:48 J. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: your website is hysterical. I admire a guy who can laugh at his own misfortunes and rise out of it even stronger. It's obvious you've moved on. Now it's probably more funny than painful. I think you did the right thing by building a website like that. It was probably very therapeutic, too. |
183 | Date: 2003-08-30 02:06:08 L. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I have to say that I am presently on the floor with tears rolling down my face. You are hilarious!!!! |
181 | Date: 2003-08-15 03:39:13 S.B. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Don't take this the wrong way, to each his own and all, but I think you are somewhat twisted. You also really need to take a web design class. However, out of morbid curiousity, I wouldn't be opposed to a javacon sometime. |
180 | Date: 2003-08-15 02:14:10 Kim ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I love that you've got the huevos (lived in LA too long, just part of the vernacular there :-) to do this on your terms. For that alone you deserve to find the girl of your dreams! |
179 | Date: 2003-08-14 02:00:50 roseann ( no email / no homepage) wrote: as long as you stay focused on being dumped, etc,etc, i don't think you'll be hooking up with any one any time soon. later |
178 | Date: 2003-08-13 02:26:52 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: HI,,I JUST SAW YOUR SITE,,,,let me tell you something,objectivley,,,if you had the time to create that site becasue you were dump,,I really think you need to start dealing withthat issue before you relly start dating someone,,I dont think that a women ( with a brain ) wants to see someone who's website, and nickname is related to an ex-girl-dumped relationship........Im telling you as a friend,,are you relly prepared???? |
177 | Date: 2003-08-12 02:24:32 P. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your web site is absolutely hilarious. |
176 | Date: 2003-07-29 15:54:25 Angie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thank goodness I'm not single. If I had to be single again with an idiot like you, I'd join the convent faster than you could say nun. The reason why you're still single? This web page has plenty to do with that. |
175 | Date: 2003-07-29 01:42:35 YouWish ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Completely stuck up is how he we really need to see the engine of his Corvette? He'll only attract money grubbers by being such a bragger. |
174 | Date: 2003-07-21 00:51:07 Allison ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hello, i'm a law student from england and i was browsing law sites when i came across your site. Made me laugh....... you are obviously a charactor |
173 | Date: 2003-07-16 17:15:01 Jessica ( / no homepage) wrote: I think this is a fun and healthy way to go about this break-up. I find Chris interesting and funny, someone who would fun to be around. I hope everything works out for him and he finds that special someone. Good Luck chris and God Bless! ~Jessica |
172 | Date: 2003-07-16 15:09:31 VirJennya ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey There! Bully for you. Looks like you've done exactly what you wanted to do with this website: gained massive attention from potential mates/ friends. If I weren't engaged, lived in a closer state and were a little older, I'd be all over you!! Especially if I were a money grubber...the corvette is gorgeous!!! I'm a big time fan of those sweet curves, but won't be looking forward to my own until I finish my PhD. Good luck to you in your search. May Miss Right find you well. |
171 | Date: 2003-07-11 21:15:16 otr ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Are you completely out of your mind??? How is it that you intend to meet someone with THAT as your homepage? You sound like someone completely stuck on getting dumped. May want to rethink your approach! |
170 | Date: 2003-06-26 02:36:36 TainaSpirit ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think you're approach is great and absolutely hilarious! I really enjoyed checking out your website. Good luck! TainaSpirit |
169 | Date: 2003-06-25 22:40:12 dena ( / no homepage) wrote: I liked the page, it was funny |
168 | Date: 2003-06-25 01:22:31 MB ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Oh my god , the website is absolutely Hysterical. Excellent job! |
167 | Date: 2003-06-07 04:04:51 Eliz. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think your web page is like the coolest thing I have ever seen!'s amazing-ly funny..and witty, I almost died when I filled out the questionaire!..I just wanted to let you know that you did an amazing job with this website...I think it's great |
166 | Date: 2003-06-07 03:17:13 igry ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think you've taken the "she dumped me" thing too far..I didn't find it funny at all..I found it sad. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. We all get dumped ..move on with your life. |
165 | Date: 2003-03-28 01:56:27 Angie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi there, I just stumbled across your little web site and I had to write to tell you that you made me laugh. That is the best way to go through a break up. I know, after the major * kick in the gut* feeling passes..( weeks and/or months) the best way to get on with your life is to laugh. By the way, the site that I found you on was great little site with all kinds of free stuff. And I have an odd little question for you. You mentioned growing up jewish and catholic.. are you a christian. ? Hope you have a good day.!! Take care, Angie |
164 | Date: 2003-03-28 01:55:12 René ( no email / no homepage) wrote: am called Mr René and let's be an African who lives in Bamako, Republic of Mali, West Africa. I visited your website. It is funny, happy and full of fantasies. I appreciate a lot the way with which you lead your life. Although incapable to contribute to the resolution of your sentimental problem, I sincerely wish you to find Aphrodite's descendant who will give you full of Humor and Love. Best regards. |
163 | Date: 2003-03-08 17:37:01 sharon ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello nice to meet you. For your information, my name is Sharon Heng from Malaysia. I found your website from my local newspaper, 'The Star' (the people's paper)... You website simple irresistable and cool..... regards---sharon |
162 | Date: 2003-03-06 07:35:17 lady_bird ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi there, This website is kinda cool and interesting. Keep good work. May this year lead you to the path of happiness and good future... Regards n Cheers---sharon |
161 | Date: 2003-03-05 00:59:43 mas ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi, i read the local paper today about ur website. it's very interesting. never seen anything like it before. after reading everything i just like to say good luck in ur search for the one. mas |
160 | Date: 2003-02-28 05:16:33 lance ( / no homepage) wrote: That questionare was f#$#cking ridiculous. What a F%#King waste of time |
159 | Date: 2003-02-28 05:02:59 Joe Blow ( / wrote: You suck Rod! You blow Horse pud ! You gargle moose sperm! You finger your own bootyhole! You lick black popsicles! You teabag your fathers nutsack! Your mouth looks like a Kunt! You eat Afganny sausages! Your mother is embarresed of you! You sniff your dogs dirty bum! I still hump your ex-girlfriend ! I will rip out your guts and eat them! Your bumhole has been hammered way too many times |
158 | Date: 2003-02-28 04:46:43 Frank Footer ( / wrote: You PIG, You nasty looser. You should have named this site "I am a" What a waste of time. Your a queer. Fag. Any woman that reads this knows that your as feminine as a black bitch whore with fake boobs(just like your fake personality)You are a disgrace to all masculine men including micheal Jackson and Dennis Rodman |
157 | Date: 2003-02-28 04:32:06 Dickie moat ( / no homepage) wrote: Dude you are a Flaming Shera(he he he) What a Vagina. With all that money you should be able to get a piece..LOOSER ! But i will give it up for your web building techniques |
156 | Date: 2003-02-28 02:12:43 ariez ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hello! there i read your story at the news paper which is reno gazzette journal. |
155 | Date: 2003-02-28 02:12:00 Lynn ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey, I really liked the web page. Very creative. I wish you didn't live so far away, you sound like someone I would like to get to know. Good luck on the quest for your "someone special", I've been looking for awhile myself. Here's to laughter and love and may they always go together, Lynn |
154 | Date: 2003-02-24 15:47:20 Toshiko ( / wrote: Hey! Cute page! I find out about it through in Greenville, South Carolina. Good luck :) |
153 | Date: 2003-02-20 23:12:34 Sebring ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just heard of your website over the radio, here in Atlanta, Ga. Ironically enough I was attempting to search the internet for groups, clubs or organizations, to visit in order to meet new friends. It seems my time is spent at work or home, which doesn't leave much to meeting anyone interesting. So, I hope you enjoy the rest of the day receiving all these emails you will probrably get since you "advertised" yourself on the radio. By the way, witty website and great idea. Please post your progress on your website. Thanks for putting alittle amusement to my boring day! Your southern friend, Sebring |
152 | Date: 2003-02-20 23:11:41 Jessica ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I thought you might find it funny that I found your site through a site originating out of india. I myself am in florida. Your making it around the world. How's your responses been so far? Quite an interesting concept youve got for yourself. Take care. Just curious, Jessica |
151 | Date: 2003-02-20 00:39:28 tim ( / no homepage) wrote: I moved 300 miles to be with the woman i love, and her 5 kids, but now she has told me to leave. Wont do that again. Tim. |
150 | Date: 2003-02-19 23:06:48 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi there, Just wanted to let you know that I heard about your site on one of our local radio stations this morning and thought I would check it out. The site is very funny and original. I am in Oklahoma but just wanted to say hi and let you know what I thought of it!! :) Much luck and happiness |
149 | Date: 2003-02-19 23:03:11 M.S. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just found your website in my USA today News mail. You seem like a great guy. Hope you have some luck. I am from Texas, too hard to have a quick cup of coffee. |
148 | Date: 2003-02-19 01:16:22 K. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: VERY CUTE and original! I've never seen ANYone do that before! I wish you the best of luck in your search! |
147 | Date: 2003-02-19 00:21:55 Kathy V. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think your Web site is fantastic and that you have a lot of courage and a great sense of humor for setting it up. I cannot believe you are still single. I am single, but unfortunately I live in Arizona. Otherwise, I'd be asking if you and I could meet for coffee. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find the woman (or women) of your dreams soon. Best, Kathy V. |
146 | Date: 2003-02-19 00:18:33 s. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You were written up in the February 18th ARIZONA REPUBLIC. Whoever gets you will be a lucky girl - you sound terrific...... |
145 | Date: 2003-02-19 00:17:55 Me ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your website appeared in the Idaho Statesman on Feb. 18th, 2003. (Boise, Idaho). Great site, good luck. |
144 | Date: 2003-02-19 00:17:15 Vicky ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey! Omg, you made me find an old calender and count my own been dumped days, (213), lol, and provided me with my first laugh of the day! I own a cyber cafe, and a customer brought in an article he had read in the newspaper about you, had to check it out! Too fun, and articulate, thanks for the smile, its been awhile. Take care, Vicky |
143 | Date: 2003-02-19 00:13:45 Dateless ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I like your sense of humor, you seem like a really funny guy - something i really appreciate in a person... ironically, and unfortunately, I am at that place where i want to have kids NOW too. Well, okay, not right now -not like tonight, but pretty much soon or i may not get the chance...(biological clock and all...ya know...) but i thought i would cheer you on anyway and tell you to hang in there... good luck, -Dateless |
142 | Date: 2003-02-18 22:32:20 Vivienne ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dude! Get a life!!!! At least your career is still going, your health is good and you are debt-free. BTW, how did you pay off your $100K student loans 26 years early? Inquiring minds want to know!! BTW, stop griping that you are still single at age 31. What's wrong with that? In fact, what's wrong with being female, single and 38? Oh, before you try to contact me for a date, don't bother. I'm going out with a guy right now. ;-) |
141 | Date: 2003-02-18 19:39:34 Angela ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi there: Saw a blurb about your site in our local paper here in Pensacola, Florida. I have to ask you this: Dude, what did you think was gonna happen? Ya can't "date" a chick for eight years. Geeze. You needed to play or pass, but I guess you found that out. Women are NOT like fine wine and do not age well. She doens't want to wake up one day, get out of bed, have both breasts hit the floor and realize it's too late to start a family. <sigh> The site was a clever way to deal with your pain and I wish you luck. I'd fly up to do a go-see, but I am very married. Good luck with the next romance, but remember, he who hesitates is, well...dumped. Keep laughing, Angela |
140 | Date: 2003-02-18 18:53:29 URALOSER ( no email / no homepage) wrote: STUPID! |
139 | Date: 2003-02-18 17:39:57 Cil ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi! Just tooted around your website. Like the smiley faces. Cil |
138 | Date: 2003-02-18 01:18:34 Rick Richards ( / no homepage) wrote: Get over it, in Spades! |
137 | Date: 2003-02-11 00:58:19 s. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: If i was single i would at the least be interested in that cup of coffee. But to be honest with you i am 5 ft. 6 inches and have never dated a man who is shorter than me and I don't know how that would be. Anyway i just wanted to let you know that one day the website should work out for you. It is pretty witty and ingenious. |
136 | Date: 2003-02-11 00:47:10 suzie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Je voulais simplement te dire......que ayant vécu la même chose que toi...... Je trouve extraordinaire....l'audace qui t'a poussé....à en créer un site ..... Bravo pour ta créativitée....ainsi....que ton côté fonceur.... un amie....qui apprécie les gens....qui n'ont pas foid au yeux au plaisir... bye bye suzie |
135 | Date: 2003-02-03 04:22:53 Jolyn ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi there, I had to write you. I was reading the Home News and came across an article about your web site. I had to check it out. IT'S GREAT! I LOVE IT!! YOU ARE HYSTERICAL!! HAHA I'm cracking up here. Seriously, this is funny. I can completely see where you are coming from. You have great sense of humor. You won't be single for long. Has this site brought you promising prospects thus far? I was just curious. Do you appreciate feedback? I do so I'll highlight a couple things for you. Love the banner picture and the color schema is great. Oh… and the s-e-x thing, that one of my favorites. hehehe Do you take suggestions? Consider adding a link to Scrabble on your game page. You can find it at I was very disappointed when I didn't see it there. Good Luck!! Regards, Jolyn |
134 | Date: 2003-01-31 02:17:17 Anna ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Ciao! You'll find it unbelievable but I listen about your website at the radio. The name of the radio is Radio Montecarlo and the D.J. talk about your website as a very curious thing. And I'm very curious and so I look for it. The website of the radio is: Montecarlo is a very little country at the limit of France and Italy. His prince, Ranieri; married Grace Kelly. And Radio Montecarlo broadcast in french and italian. I use to listen the italian radio. Bye. Anna |
133 | Date: 2003-01-31 02:14:53 L. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I applaud your sense of humor, your attitude towards life and your energy. I hope your endeavor is fruitful. |
132 | Date: 2003-01-30 21:45:17 Marie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Mabuhay! Greetings from a Filipina. I saw the article about SheDumpedMe on Somerset newspaper so I immediately check your website and you made me laugh, that is so smart of you to come into this brilliant beyond brilliant kind of idea. Goodluck to you, hope you'll find that special someone soon! |
131 | Date: 2003-01-29 04:49:11 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I love your website. It is so cute. You are a very brave person to create your own dating website. I am not speaking about myself, of course, but you must get alot of emails from nuts. I think this was a great idea. |
129 | Date: 2003-01-23 00:10:34 JoAnn ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Saw the article in the Courier, and I figure this guy's pretty stable and self-confident to do this. By the time I finished the article, my thoughts were maybe potential girlfriends think there's too much baggage (the name of your website indicates the ex is still in your thoughts) to think they have a chance. But I was intrigued and clicked on anyway. I have to tell you, its a great web site. The overall concept dictates a person who has pulled up his boot straps and is looking forward. If I was younger, I'd want to get that cup of coffee with you. Hats off to you, you've done well. You've got a great outlook, and that special someone is out there. Don't stop looking. You'll find her. Thanks for the pick-me-up. Truly love your web site. Good luck to you. JoAnn |
128 | Date: 2003-01-22 22:00:28 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi there, I am writing to you not because I am interested in dating you ( I am most likely old enough to be your mom) but to give you my opinion of your web site. I know the last thing you wanted is motherly advice or my opinion but I just couldn't resist. I hope you don't mind. :-) I do however have a beautiful single daughter and she has brought home her share of eclectic men. I also have given her my opinion of them even though she didn't ask..........that is a mothers job. You seem like a very clever, witty and attractive man with a respectable profession. You must have been very hurt and disappointed when your relationship ended. Kudos to you for getting out there and searching for your new partner. I personally think that you should remove the part about your van. It shows a very "odd" aspect of your personality and might scare some young women who might otherwise be interested in dating you. I realize that you no longer own this unusual mode of transportation but I would like to know just how many parents allowed their daughter to go out on dates with you when you showed up at their house in this van. I definitely would have moved my daughter to another location and left no forwarding address! I wish you lots of luck and I hope that you find your special someone to share your life with. I hope that you get married very soon and when you are ready to have children I wish you many daughters. Ha, can you imagine what you will be thinking as their high school boyfriends drive up in a customized van to take them out on a date! Best Wishes, |
127 | Date: 2003-01-22 21:57:30 Mike ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just a note to say I thought your idea is quite novel. I am a retired cop from the Flemington area, living in New Zealand (retired) and I read the Courier every morning (online) while enjoying my first cup of coffee. I hope you have success with your "search" while enjoying life. As a divorced guy who had a wife that changed plans abruptly (ie. kids that were NOT on the agenda) you certainly have my sympathy. An attorney with a sense of humor can't be all bad! Best wishes! |
126 | Date: 2003-01-21 00:35:54 Daniela ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello! I am an Italian girl, and my name is Daniela. I visited your site and I would like to tell you that it is very nice! I can't send you articles about it because I heard about you in a local radio while I was working... anyway, I write you only to tell you good luck... !! :) Daniela |
125 | Date: 2003-01-21 00:14:58 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: HI Christopher, I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on your web site. I think it is a great idea. You are right about a number of things - honesty and a sense of humour are very important. Have you enjoyed running your site? If so (and especially if it has given you a laugh) it has already achieved something - given you enjoyment and a giggle. What a wonderful bonus if you do find that special someone. I will keep a look out for any media articles that I see here in Australia and will send them to you. Good luck with everything :) |
124 | Date: 2003-01-20 15:01:19 paola ( PAOLAMIRABILE@HOTMAIL.COM / no homepage) wrote: It's fantastic!! |
123 | Date: 2003-01-18 21:14:18 Italian Friend ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Ciao man, I'm writing to you from Italy...I think today you'll receive many many clicks from our country because an important italian radio has spoken about your site this afternoon...;)) Congratulations for your idea.. The translation of "she dumped me" in italian? "Lei mi ha mollato"...if you wanna insert an international page...;)) Ciao and good luck!;) |
122 | Date: 2003-01-17 08:18:11 piccGirl ( / no homepage) wrote: Funny, intelligent, highly motivated, self-sufficient, and doesn't want kids? What woman could resist? Best of luck, you absolutely deserve it! I'm going to definitely tell my single friends about your website!! Contrary to popular belief, there's many, many women out there who do NOT want kids, so hang in there. |
121 | Date: 2003-01-17 04:33:14 Temple ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Good for you! Only you know what is best for you. Don't ever let anyone tell you different. It's good to see someone who knows what they want (and don't want) and won't settle for less. I have a feeling that you won't be lonely for long. |
120 | Date: 2003-01-17 01:00:35 leah ( no email / no homepage) wrote: It makes me happy to see men out there who can stick to their convictions of not wanting children. Not every woman wants children, and I found my soul mate who doesn't want children either. Hopefully you don't end up with someone who'll oops! you into becoming a father when you don't want to be! Women need to get it in their heads that children do not complete the couple! good luck to you! |
119 | Date: 2003-01-17 00:03:56 priscilla ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi there really enjoyed ur homepage and tried a hand at the game.......u sound like alot of fun. Good clean fun is hard to get nowadays! The article on ur site even found a way into the newspapers here in malaysia! Here's wishing u all the best in ur quest to meet a compatible partner. having said that, if only malaysia not such along way off!! Hahaha! It doesn't take a week toget ready to meet for coffee here-more like 10 mins! The pace of life is more laid-back, easy-going if you will and the people friendlier! may you find what u're looking for, best regards priscilla |
118 | Date: 2003-01-16 19:50:38 No thanks! ( / no homepage) wrote: Be grateful. You could have been oopsed by a selfish bint like number 94, the Austra-C**t who thinks "all men are dumb", and that it isn't selfish to force HER wants ,wishes, and prferences on her (poor, pathetic) husband. I hope he sees her remarks, and realizes how much she despises him. Maybe he'll grow a spine and kick her man-hatin' ass to the curb. And I second the recommendation to get a vasectomy. Plenty of women who feel like your ex did are not above (eg) "accidentally" forgeting to take the pill . Don't take chances! ? |
117 | Date: 2003-01-16 01:29:51 o ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Good luck in your quest to meet Miss Right. I have to applaud your enterprise and I think you're anything but a loser! You have style, panache and, obviously, a positive outlook on life. Hopefully I will shortly be reading in the SMH that your mission has been successfully concluded. Cheers & Beers from Oz! |
116 | Date: 2003-01-16 01:26:46 b.j. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You seem like an educated man so why do you act so strangely? Are all Americans like you or are you an exception? |
115 | Date: 2003-01-16 01:19:23 mama ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi dumped I think this website is wonderful and if only you were in sydney Australia I'd get you to meet my dazzlingly beautiful, talented and highly educated daughter who also hates bars and is very shy sigh love and kisses desperate mama |
114 | Date: 2003-01-16 00:09:35 s ( / wrote: TECHNOLOGY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jilted lawyer turns to net: 'She dumped me for sperm' A New Jersey divorce lawyer who was dumped by his longtime girlfriend has taken his search for a new partner to the Internet, having realised the only women he ever met were those he was suing. |
113 | Date: 2003-01-16 00:07:22 Rich ( / no homepage) wrote: Cool Page....your ex-girlfriend is much the worse without you! |
112 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:45:04 Cécile ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Bonjour Monsieur le largué ! (to be dumped = être largué) You are very famous now in France !!! Too bad you are not living/working in Paris ... But next time I'll go to NY I'll try to contact you ! Here at work (laser subtitling for cinema) we do love your website and many of my colleagues (female !) are big fans of you ! Take care and keep going with your sense of humour ! Cécile |
111 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:44:13 sq ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You're a hoot! Smart, savvy, funny! I can't believe the woman dumped you for a fleshloaf-in-the-making (let's face it, you're a known quantity and she doesn't even know the supposed "baybee" for which she's dumped you). I realise you still care about her, but she is stupid and you're well shed of her. If I weren't already married (to a man who doesn't want any baybees except maybe the four-legged kind), I'd be in NJ in a New Jersey minute! Best of luck in your search, and here's a link to an Australian paper with an article about you. sq |
110 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:43:14 kat ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dear Dumped, God, I wish I wasn't on the West Coast. You are so the type of person I'd love to go have a laugh with. I'm going through a divorce right now (filed 1/13 actually) so I sort of understand what you're going through. My ex didn't come down with baby rabies though; he just couldn't keep his pants on around desperate needy bipolar women... Good luck with your quest; and if life ever brings you to California, email me. - kat |
109 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:39:44 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi, From one person seeking a relationship to another, I think that your website is refreshing. The romantic quotes are inspiring and I love the way that you have looked at love from different perspectives (i.e theology, philosophy, multiculturally and historically). It is also encouraging to meet someone with similar ideologies; I also don't smoke, drink, frequent nightclubs or want children. I hope that you do meet that special someone. Goodluck in your endeavours..... |
108 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:37:06 Something Awful ( / wrote: ![]() |
107 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:35:34 linda ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just thought I'd pass on this link to an article in today's Sydney Morning Herald in Australia ... Sorry, I don't have the original paper, just spotted it online. Good luck with it all and congrats on being brave enough to be yourself (not many people achieve that!) Linda :-) |
106 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:33:17 Dhaneel ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hey man, ur a lawyer, give me some money and ill set u up with a hot chic. i know quite a few. theres this asian chic i know shes 34 shes a physio shes looking to get married, shes a really nice person. shes alright looking has a nice body, small tits though, and her face isnt that good. another one is 45, she looking to get married. shes a bit crazy. but nice looking. hot legs. and then i know this 28 year old. shes alright. shes single too. she goes to college. nice girl too. just give me a few bucks im pretty broke ill set u up with them. Regards Dhaneel |
105 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:31:48 Kirsten ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi there mr dumped... my name is kirsten and i live in australia. i am writing to tell you that you have made it into an Australian newspaper entitled the "Shepparton News" (Wed 15th). i read the article and commend your ingenuity. i too am a single professional who is looking for a mate BUT so far have been unsuccessful...perhaps i will have to try this approach and see how i go! good luck in your quest for the ideal woman and i will forwrd a copy of the article. Kirsten P.S don't be too harsh on your ex..the biological clock has huge pull for us women! |
104 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:19:59 Dr John Arebhoa ( / wrote: 25th Jan., 2000 NIGERIAN NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION 7 KOFO ABAYOMI STREET, VICTORIA ISLAND P.M.B. 12701, LAGOS TEL/FAX: 234-1-7747650 BUSINESS PROPOSAL Dear Sir, I am making this contract with you on behalf of my colleagues after an acceptable recommendation from an International Business Agency. My colleagues and I are members of the Contract Award Committee (CAC) of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). I have been mandated by my colleagues to look for a trustworthy company into whose account some funds is to be transferred. We have in our possession instrument of payment for US$22.5M (Twenty two million five hundred thousand U.S. Dollars only) now in a dedicated account with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Debt Reconciliation Committee (DRC). The above funds arose from the over invoicing of some Supplies and Engeenering Works contracts which have been executed and the contractors paid in full. The fund is therefore free to be transferred overseas without any risk whatsoever. Due to the nature of accrual of this funds, it has to be applied for by a foreign contractor/company and payment can only be made in a foreign account hence this contact is necessary to accomplish this deal. You (or your company) shall be compensated with 25% of the amount as the account owner, 5% shall be used for the reimbursement of all expenses that will be incurred by both parties during the course of this financial transaction. The remaining 70% is for us. We shall require of you the following urgently by fax: 1. Name, Telephone and/or fax Numbers of beneficiary 2. Name and full address of the Company 3. Complete particulars of the bank account where you wish the funds to be transferred. This should include the account Number, Bank Address, the Telephone, Fax and Telex numbers of the bank My colleagues and I have some fruitful discussions with relevant top officials of both the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and they have agreed to cooperate in the transfer. An application for funds transfer shall be made at the appropriate Ministries in favour of the beneficiary (you or your company). Therefore, your company shall be officially regarded as having executed the contracts for the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) for which payment is being made. This process make the operation legal according to the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Please treat this transaction as STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL as we are Civil Servants who would not want any exposure. Do not go through the International Telephone Operator of (AT&T) when lines are busy at any time in the course of this operation. Always dial direct. It's very difficult to get telephone access to Nigeria. So you must persist even when the telephone says subscriber not available or the number does not. . . (illegible--maybe "ring"?) . . . answers are always given when there is no access. Thanks for your anticipated cooperation. DR. JOHN AREBHOA Please all contact should be directed to my tel/fax number: 234-1-7747650. |
103 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:13:21 dude ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Dude Here is an article that appeared in a newspaper called 'The Age'. It is published in Melbourne Australia. This daily newspaper is read by the more intellectual classes of melbourne. It has high volumes of sales so I guess you will have many visits to your site which is advertised in this article. Incidently im a short guy too and i have dated a few tall women, I must admit they are the worst sex partners - they just lye there, no sexual action what so ever. Anyway dude all the best with finding yourslef a chick. |
102 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:12:01 andrew ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Mate, You got coverage in Australia not necessarily a bad thing, but just a few pointers from someone who has been around the track a few times and shares a similar history. 1. Get fit. I mean really fit, run, swim, wrestle do what ever you need to do, but fitness makes you more attractive ( this is the only thing that really works) 2. Get over the religion thing ( my Dads Presbyterian - my Mums an Irish Jew - figure that out) and stay the hell away from anyone who has any issues with it. 3. Don't push the sense of humour thing. It scares people. If you're funny great - but no one is funny all the time. Your also a little old to be the class clown 4. The height thing. Well mate, lets face it, its an issue - but for fucks sake don't bring it up - put it on the net as a filter, but don't make it an issue. ( This is easy for me to say I'm 6'3" and 200 pounds in the old money) Good luck and remember what ever she told you about why she dumped you, she's lying, every thing is code for I don't like you very much any more, not a bad thing, just one of those things and in 3 months you'll barely remember her, even if you loved her to death. Go lightly Andrew |
101 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:11:38 fella ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just a short note - You've made it into another newspaper - "The Age", which is a daily broadsheet tabloid fom Victoria, Australia. The article was published this morning, 16th January 2003. Cheers, A fella. |
100 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:08:48 marci ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Rest assured - there are plenty of women who have NO interest in breeding. And frankly, you're better off waiting around until you find one of your own. Can you imagine having your daily conversations consist of guessing what color showed up in Junior's diaper? Best of luck to you! - Marci |
99 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:05:03 carol ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello!! Can you believe you made the Technologoy section of The Age newspaper in Australia, this is our brroadsheet for "professional" people, well, it's the best we have anyway!! That's the link and I have to say, I like your site!! Original, witty and clever!! If you make it to Australia, I would be glad to take you up on the coffee invitation, I don't think I would be able to get over there for a while at least, although, there may be some work I have to do in the US so you never know!! You're definitely the type of person I'd love to meet, I will never have children and my sense of humour has been descibed as anything from witty to downright strange!! If you feel like e-mailing back I shall chat with you soon, otherwise, best of luck in your search!! Cheers, Carol |
98 | Date: 2003-01-15 23:04:33 WTF ( / wrote: Nice site. You should post less pictures of yourself and more of your (ex) girlfriend though. |
97 | Date: 2003-01-15 22:46:05 Marci ( / wrote: OK - get a vasectomy NOW! Do not let anyone "oops" you into ruining your life. And fight the good fight - people need to realize that there are options available in the world besides breeding children. Live you own life instead of creating another to live vicariously through. Good luck! |
96 | Date: 2003-01-15 22:33:09 Christopher Petit ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Smart move sticking to your convictions. There are nice childfree women out there who are looking for decent childfree guys. It's a sign of real maturity not to have kids if you've realized it's not right for you. Not everyone is cut out for having kids, just like not everyone is cut out to be a salesman. But the consequences of being an inadequate parent are much more serious. I feel the same way about never wanting kids. I understand how much it can hurt to lose the woman who loved you because of something you can't resolve. Being upfront with women you date about your childfree stance is also crucial. I agree with the poster who said also to get a vasectomy. That will protect you from being oopsed. Oopsed is where the woman "accidentally" forgets to take her birth control pills, pokes holes in your condom, whatever, gets pregnant and decides to keep the fetus. Some women whose "biological" clocks are ticking can and will do these kinds of things. Best of luck. |
95 | Date: 2003-01-15 21:34:58 Kali ( / no homepage) wrote: Great site! I applaud you to sticking to your convictions and avoiding becoming yet another disinterested father. There are lots of wonderful childfree women out there and I wish you all the best on finding one with which to share your life. |
94 | Date: 2003-01-15 20:58:56 Karen ( / no homepage) wrote: You need to wake up to yourself. ALL men feel like you do - and guess what - most of them become fathers. I know one guy who actually dumped his WIFE(!) after she fell pregnant and now they have five kids. I would suggest to you that you were not really in love with her or you would feel differently. My husband has never desired a family of his own despite a previous 8 year relationship, and told ME for many years it wasn't on the cards. I ignored this of course because where they is TRUE love there is not selfishness, and I knew that if I really wanted to (which I didn't for a long time) he would change his mind, because men are basically pretty dumb most of the time. We are now parents. Talk to your father about this. You will find out I am right. If he is not around find someone with 5 or 6 children and ask him if it was HIS idea. By that way - how you neurotic men in America EVER GET a girlfriend is WAY beyond me. |
93 | Date: 2003-01-15 20:20:08 Emily ( / no homepage) wrote: Good Luck! May I suggest 1) You try to lose a little weight. That's always healthy and makes one more attractive. At 150, you don't have to lose much. 2) Let the girls know early, but not necessarily on the first date, that you don't want children. Many girls will bow out. Also reassess if you really don't want children. If not, fine. 3) You don't have to be funny. However, see if you can think of any "billable hours" jokes. They could be funny! Note: I discovered you through the Sydney Morning Hearld ( It's on the front page today. |
92 | Date: 2003-01-15 19:47:56 wise old woman ( / no homepage) wrote: Interesting approach...Here's the SMH link Two words of advice from an old woman - 1.) Continue your UP FRONT honesty with women you meet - let them know right away that you don't want kids - yours or theirs. They won't waste your time and you won't waste theirs while their clocks are ticking. 2.) Have a vasectomy - it'll protect you, and any child which could be born to you. |
91 | Date: 2003-01-15 15:48:29 Sunfell ( / wrote: It is refreshing to find someone who has such a wonderfully warped sense of humor. Spontaniety in humor is a sign of high intelligence! And if you don't take yourself too seriously, you'll be happier and live longer, too. I live too far away to be a candidate for a local coffee date, but I wish you the best of luck in your search. Sunfell PS: Don't let the breeders get you down! |
90 | Date: 2003-01-15 14:44:39 fucked up ( / no homepage) wrote: You are a fucking loser. |
89 | Date: 2003-01-15 14:36:00 Jane ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You're gay, right? |
88 | Date: 2003-01-15 13:46:08 Matt Z. ( / wrote: I am amused. If this doesn't attract a prospective mate, then I don't know what will. You could try out On a side note, you need to scrap the excessive use of javascript. Seriously. |
87 | Date: 2003-01-15 12:44:46 you ( / no homepage) wrote: idiot! |
86 | Date: 2003-01-15 12:32:19 blink ( no email / no homepage) wrote: The tell a friend thing is annoying. Your sense of humor is lacking terribly. It's sad that someone like you can afford a Corvette, but I wish you luck in your search. Enjoy your 15 minutes while it lasts... Savekaryn? Karyn who? |
85 | Date: 2003-01-15 11:30:05 Eddy ( / wrote: I think this site is the funniest thing in ages and it shows you do have a sense of humor. I hope you find the woman you are looking for. |
84 | Date: 2003-01-15 07:07:21 Laura ( / wrote: What is with women and sperm? The second I found myself a boyfriend, I went out and had him fixed! I'll take a corvette and a lawyer (or in my case, a government employee and a Saturn) over some snot-nosed kid anytime. If you have considered the possibility of not having children ever, you should check out They have three chapters in New Jersey (and one in Manhattan) and is filled with women who have absolutely no interest in your sperm. |
83 | Date: 2003-01-15 06:16:08 Rob ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You also made the Sydney Morning Hearld (Australia) |
82 | Date: 2003-01-15 05:55:47 Tracy ( / no homepage) wrote: It's win-win! Your ex girlfriend finds sperm, you get your 15 minutes. Good luck, Tracy |
81 | Date: 2003-01-15 05:45:25 Robyn ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Above is a link to an article about this website published in Australia |
80 | Date: 2003-01-15 02:16:30 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Bien à vous et bonne chance !!! Nathalie (désolée, mon anglais est très mauvais....) PS: avec moi, vous n'auriez aucune chance, je suis comme votre ex-amie (enfants). |
79 | Date: 2003-01-15 02:14:35 C. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Bonjour Mr Puzzele, I am writing from Montreal, Canada. Our local, daily newspaper, La Presse, has written an article about your web site! I read it on the internet version of that newspaper, called All the articles on their web site come from the printed version, so you can assume it was in print, but I didn't see it that day. I am sending the link, so you can look it up and perhaps print it. It is a very positive article. I sincerely hope you find the person you are looking for. (Sorry, I am taken!!!) : ) |
77 | Date: 2003-01-15 02:12:27 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I hope you speak french. I'm living in Paris and I hope that you'll have soon a "petite amie" !! Bye. |
76 | Date: 2003-01-15 02:06:17 Nicole ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello I am from Quebec, Montreal and I noticed your magnificent idea. I wish good luck to you in your search(research). I would indeed like to have the luck(chance) to create a site as yours, being myself in search of the soul a sister. Please, excuse my English.... Bye Nicole |
75 | Date: 2003-01-15 02:04:52 Claudine ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Wow, I like your sense of humor...Instead of feeling sorry for yourself you did something positive...I hope you find that someone special sound like a very good guy...Good luck!!!! Claudine Boulay Gatineau (Québec) Canada |
74 | Date: 2003-01-15 02:01:09 Marjolaine ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Allo je suis québecoise je ne parle pas anglais enfin presque pas sorry...J'ai trouver votre site par hasard et je trouve ca bien....Ca m'as fais sourire.....Je vous souhaite bonne chance .....Vous trouverez surement la femme de vos rêves.....Bye bye Marjolaine |
73 | Date: 2003-01-14 22:37:23 ha ha ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Ha ha hahaha ha haha ha ha ha ha |
72 | Date: 2003-01-14 21:03:59 Willy Wonka ( no email / wrote: from the Sydney Morning Herald |
71 | Date: 2003-01-14 00:37:38 A. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, Like you ask on your website, I send you this mail to tell you that you've been mentionned in a belgian newpaper. You'll find the article at this adress: This article has been published in the weekly internet supplement of "Le Soir" (, that is the biggest french-speaking daily newspaper in Belgium. Regards, Amicalement |
70 | Date: 2003-01-14 00:36:10 Jeff ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi there, i`m a french guy and i want to tell you that you are in the magazines here in France. You`re famous, man !! Well, i hope you`ll find who you want and have good fun with.. Bye, see you. Jeff, from Toulouse, France. |
69 | Date: 2003-01-14 00:13:29 Ann Marie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hullo there Mr Puzele My name is Ms Cresswell(ee) (for the sake of rhyme!) I loved your website and the game I'm sure it'll bring to you lots of fame. Unfortunately coffee is out of the question I live in the Pacific - did I mention? New Zealand is the land I call home A gorgeous place - one day you should come! Although right now I've a man in my life I can sympathise with your search for a ... wife? (again, it fits the rhyming scheme!!) Like you, Cupid's often not made my life happy In fact at times it's all been rather crappy! But hang in there man, you've a great sense of humour And you'll meet the right lady soon - if not sooner! And if it takes sometime just reflect on the joy You're giving the world you love-hungry boy! So I wish you well in your search for a love I hope you're soon flying high on the wings of a dove, You deserve all the best and I'm sure you'll go far And if you don't get the girl - hey, you've still got a great car! Dear Christopher I hope this provides you with a little amusement - and thanks for the fun you've given me on your website. Good luck with the search for love - I hope it goes well for you. Cheers Ann Marie |
68 | Date: 2003-01-12 20:44:01 Mike ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great site!!! Good luck on your search i hope you find true happiness. If you get any women from Michigan that don't meet up to what you are looking for send them my way... I too was dumped.... Mike |
67 | Date: 2003-01-12 07:58:40 eve ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Bonsoir chez inconnu.... Je suis une jeune fille française, on parle de vous sur le net français.... !!! j'adore les US, je voulais juste vous le dire. Je pense être beaucoup trop jeune pour repondre à votre demande mais je voulais juste vous en parler.... Voila j'éspere que vous savez parler et traduire le francais ;) ! Si c'est le cas on pourrais garder un contact... (français ???) eve |
66 | Date: 2003-01-12 07:56:56 fem ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Mr DUMPED Si vous parlez le français et que mon profil vous plait je suis prête a discuter avec vous. Mon profil : Femme 26ans 1.60 m 70 kg J'aime la nature, les animaux .... |
65 | Date: 2003-01-12 07:55:27 L. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: do u speak french ? sorry my english is bad... i read your story in the news on line... i'm not looking for a boy friend but your web site is a great fun idea !!! u 'll be soon a star ;-) see u later may be Y hope this year will fulfill your fondest hopes and bring you every happiness |
64 | Date: 2003-01-12 07:53:23 p.j. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Have a good New Year ! Do you want your coffee with or without sugar ? I can offer you one (or two)cup in Paris, to drink for 15 minutes max ! Bravo pour votre humour et bonne chance ! |
63 | Date: 2003-01-12 07:50:17 G.L. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, mi mane is DIEGO GONZALEZ, I am from argentina but becouse of the problems of my country I have to come to SPAIN. In the bus i have listen on the radio in a section of internet of a radio show that they where anouncing your page and by curiosity y check it out and I would like to salute u and tell U....congratulations. See ya!!! |
62 | Date: 2003-01-12 07:49:50 denis ( no email / no homepage) wrote: im a french man and your idea is very good good luck for love denis |
61 | Date: 2003-01-12 04:39:04 Jenny P ( / no homepage) wrote: I really got a kick out of this website. I plan on ready more of it soon. Good luck finding someone. You definitely have a great sense of humor. I like that in a guy. Chin up and keep 'em laughing! |
60 | Date: 2003-01-11 21:37:48 neraf ( / no homepage) wrote: Go ahead, man...... go all the way regards from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in the Caribbean |
59 | Date: 2003-01-11 11:25:42 shreya ( / no homepage) wrote: hey ..dude ..u have a gr8 sense of humour...i read abt ur site in da timezz of india...haha ..n i thought i was da only nut way ..wish ya luck wid ur one of a kind search.....n keep up da goood humour.... wid loadzz of luck!! shreya ...p.s. im still in school ...but i love goin da funny sitezz..try ... |
58 | Date: 2003-01-11 09:07:40 rik ( no email / no homepage) wrote: read about ur site @ times of india.....will post it 2 u 2day...u have a great sense of humor! KEEP IT UP!!!! |
57 | Date: 2003-01-11 02:18:15 Dawn ( no email / no homepage) wrote: ROFLMFAO...Mr. Dumped, you are one funny man~!! You have an awesome way of coping with being dumped. I wish you the best of luck meeting someone, be it through this medium or through other sources. Here is the link to where I found out about your site: Keep the wonderful sense of humor you have....some lucky woman out there will LOVE it!! Dawn |
56 | Date: 2003-01-11 01:36:50 Texas Girl ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think your website is funny and am actually GLAD there are people out there that are willing to stand up and say that they DON'T want to have kids. If more people would really be honest on this point and others important to relationships and marriage, you'd be out of a job! I also think it's funny that you've gotten so many SERIOUS responses about relationships and whatnot as well as criticism. I think your site is funny and harmless, no matter how you feel about marriage and relationships. You just carry on with your life, doing things the way you want to and you will find what you're looking for. It may happen next week or next year. Either way, it will come when you least expect it, so don't bother trying to be prepared. And don't worry, there are others out there, like myself, that have an irreverent and completely misunderstood brand on humor. Oh, and the van thing is absolutely hilarious. I myself am a Corvette lover also, but really want a 1959. One day.... Texas Girl |
55 | Date: 2003-01-11 01:02:42 Candy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dear Mr. Dumped, Your news is out in Hong Kong now. I believe that you will be a mulit-national online supterstar now. I wish you will find somebody you love soon so that you can renew a site that promotes more love and joy in the world. Thank you very much for your fun site. Your truly, Candy |
54 | Date: 2003-01-11 00:52:35 Laura Jean ( no email / no homepage) wrote: How can I put it? Pathetic - self-absorbed - egotistical, etc. No wonder she left you, because to me and anyone with insight can see your totally into yourself. All you want is attention and to read about yourself so you can feel you actually have some type of life. Get the hell out of your coffee soaked cafe brain mentallity, and start smelling and drinking something besides yourself. Goodluck anyways. |
53 | Date: 2003-01-11 00:38:40 Jerome ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I saw your site, i am french, i am in hight school, and i enyoed your site, I saw your request about press articles , and i found one in the AOL, french aol I can't Copy this article here, because it doesn't work like a web site, it's in the news of AOL, quike strange... and tomorow, trhis article will be earsed because it's a day - by - day ,news... So here it is, it's in french, i'm afraid, and if you can't understand, i can try to traduce it for you, Tell me if you need something @@+++ Jerome PS : good luck ! ( he he he ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Un avocat américain crée son site internet pour trouver l'âme soeur NEW YORK, 8 jan (AFP) - Un avocat du New Jersey spécialiste des affaires de divorce et lâché par sa petite amie a confié à l'internet le soin de retrouver l'âme soeur, créant pour ce faire son propre site. "C'est la façon la plus ridicule que j'ai trouvée (jusqu'ici) pour rencontrer quelqu'un", annonce la page d'accueil du site de Christopher Puzzele, 31 ans, dans laquelle il explique vouloir partager avec une femme son sens de l'humour. Sur ce site baptisé "Elle m'a laissé tomber" (, il raconte comment sa compagne l'a quitté après huit ans de vie commune parce qu'elle a soudainement souhaité avoir des enfants. Plutôt que d'avoir à répondre aux messages sans fin de ses amis et proches inquiets de cette rupture, il a créé son site il y a plus de six mois. "Après avoir envoyé pendant plusieurs jours le même message à tout le monde, j'ai envoyé des e-mails à tous ceux auxquels j'ai pensé, en leur suggérant de se référer à ma page d'accueil s'ils voulaient plus d'informations sur la rupture", explique-t-il. Puzzele, brun jovial arborant une cravate aux couleurs du drapeau américain, précise sa taille (1m67) et son poids (67,5 kilos) ainsi que ses exigences (il cherche une femme spontanée et ayant de l'humour). Il a transformé sa page en un site interactif qui informe les lecteurs de sa situation et les invite à donner leur opinion. Le site inclut même un jeu-vidéo téléchargeable et un lien montrant des photos de sa Chevrolet Corvette avec inscrit: "Ceci est le seul bébé que je veux avoir dans ma vie". Son site lui a permis, affirme-t-il, de rencontrer des dizaines de prétendantes, mais pas encore l'élue de son coeur. 08/01/03 21:38 |
52 | Date: 2003-01-11 00:35:06 Chow ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi there, I am from Hong Kong & I always read newspapers online,today i discovered an article about your website. So i visited your website too, it is very interesting. Good Luck to you to find your love one =) Chow |
51 | Date: 2003-01-11 00:25:54 K. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I'm just a guy from India who read about your site in the newspaper. Thought I'd check it out. Loved it !!! |
50 | Date: 2003-01-10 12:54:01 Marie Hertz ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi there! Just thought I would let you know that you made it to the web page in South Africa. Will try and send you the article later or in the week of the 20th Jan. Will be on leave next week. Your website - cool idea! If you were in South Africa you could have tried the radioshow "Desperate and Dateless" which is a big hit in SA. Will let you know some other time what the show is all about but miht mention at this stage that we even have large Desperate and Dateless Partys hosted by famous night clubs in SA where you will be able to meet lots of single people. Have some work to get done before going on leave this afternoon .... u know how it goes in a lawyer's office - (legal secretary). Good luck and chat soon See ya! * M * |
49 | Date: 2003-01-10 07:58:10 Noelle ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi there, Your website URL is posed to a newspaper in HK that why I came visiting. Very interesting website. I dont come to critize your point of view about love & kids, everyone has his/her view & way to live. So your relationship ended, that just means you 2 are not the same kind of person. I am sure if you find the one the same as you, you 2 will be a happy couple. SO good luck! I emailed you the article I found online from the HK newspaper website. If you need translation I would be pleased to help. Again, hey good luck! Anyway you are kind famous now hehe I am sure you will have lots of choices. |
48 | Date: 2003-01-10 05:51:19 w33 ( / no homepage) wrote: Saw the newspaper article in Singapore Streats. Will be mailing you the newspaper article soon. Take care & hope u find ur luv soon! |
47 | Date: 2003-01-10 02:15:10 Hello!! ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi... Just to let you know, you made it to the Singapore newspapers!! |
46 | Date: 2003-01-10 00:55:30 Ben ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, French vs American argument is not the topic here, don't you think ? Jean-Paul, va defouler ton anti-americanisme ailleurs, and Paula please keep your bias for yourself ! I find this site rather fun, a bit childish though. Anyway, good luck Mr Dumped ! A French guy living in Pennsylvania. |
45 | Date: 2003-01-09 23:16:21 Paula ( no email / no homepage) wrote: This little note is for Jean Paul from Paris....remember WW2? It might do you well to remember that you COULD very well be speaking GERMAN right now if it wasn't for the "dumb mentality" of the USA! We all know what cowards the French are, don't we? |
44 | Date: 2003-01-09 10:38:51 Jean Paul, Paris FRANCE ( no email / no homepage) wrote: This is completely stupid. Now we have another proof of the dumber mentality in the USA. I suggest you to see a doctor, you are in danger, seriously mentally ill. Au revoir... |
43 | Date: 2003-01-09 02:32:29 Hope ( no email / no homepage) wrote: poor computer guy..go n face the real world and maybe you will find a real relationship ! |
42 | Date: 2003-01-06 03:12:29 eh ( no email / no homepage) wrote: As someone whose daughter answered your ad you sound very selfish. Having wasted a long time in a long term relationship with you and having you decide that you don't want children "at this time" is selfish. It was cruel of you to let her waste so much time on you. The female of the species has only a certain time frame to have children easily and you apparently wasted too much of hers. Should have been totally upfront with her sooner. --- Mr. Dumped's Response: I certainly don't wish to litigate the matter. Nevertheless, I felt it appropriate to advise you of the following: 1. I ALWAYS stated that I did not want kids. You won't believe this, but my ex and I even discussed the issue at length the VERY first day we met and we both agreed that neither of us wanted kids. In fact, it is only recently that I am actually even considering having kids (i.e. NOW that my education is complete, my $100,000 law school debt is paid for, my career has begun, etc.). 2. My ex likewise stated she did NOT want kids. Indeed, my ex was even considering getting her tubes tied, but I absolutely was against the idea since I figured one of us would change our minds. Understandably, she did in fact change her mind thereby resulting in me getting dumped - a decision that I understand and respect. Perhaps that is why she and I are still friends. Accordingly, do not always assume that it was the guys fault. In this particular case, it was the woman who CHANGED her mind. It was NOT the guy that mislead. Nevertheless... have a happy new year |
41 | Date: 2003-01-06 03:09:47 S.D. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Dear Mr Dumped: You definatly have sence humor but i suspect to be born a catholic jew u have to have sence humor.Your face is that of eciting life And under religion you put any can imagine if combined with muslim the kid be catholic jew muslim .you know if world could live in harmony as u mr omlet it be wonderful place if we could get jew to marrie the muslim on gaza strip mix with the coptics in place that has never seen time without war then there would be peace maybe u r the solution to world peace maybe u know something from way u lived to give them insite how to get along yours truely |
40 | Date: 2002-12-31 13:56:01 amethyst ( / no homepage) wrote: hi. don't listen to these guys - most of them are telling you to go back to your ex, marry her, and have the kids she wants. don't ever get pressured into a long term commitment like kids unless you want them. good luck with your search - i am in your area, but i am dating someone already. feel free to email me, though, since you say you are looking also for new friends. have you had any fun dates since you started this site? |
39 | Date: 2002-12-30 17:25:24 Joanie ( / no homepage) wrote: Ran across this page just killing time! The first time I have seen something like this! Talking about being spontaneous! Well, if I was still residing in New Jersey, I just might have to look you up!! Anyways, Richmond Virginia has a vette club, you might want to look that up one day !! When you do... look me up! Meanwhile... Have a great day, and I hope that you find Ms. Right! ... or at least Ms Right, right now! Joanie |
38 | Date: 2002-12-26 03:07:54 angelo ( / no homepage) wrote: i can't believe im seeing my old class mate popping up and down on his web site lol lol ...ill give u credit any time. |
37 | Date: 2002-12-21 03:56:03 oso ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey, I must say, your website is hysterical !!!! BRAVO !! Very entertaining. |
36 | Date: 2002-12-16 04:27:37 Yan ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, dumped, I did read your innovative website and I understand now. I was thinking that you were trying to be funny to hide your real sadness. From my own experience, I can be sad for a very long time after being dumped. Only reading Dostoyevsky can make me less despondent when people with deeper feelings, purer heart and sadder experience sprang into life. It is so funny to see the different ways men and women dealing with 'erotic failures' (pray pardon me to use this term as it is a title of a book...). Men will draw a sword, let out the steam and get on with life afresh. A new man with more experience. A woman, on the other hand will cry, swallow the pain and become an older woman. I am saying this without feeling any envy for men. It's just the way it is. Yan |
35 | Date: 2002-12-14 23:28:21 b. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: well dear dumped.. i live a little to far away..but i had to stop by and say hi and tell u what an exellent job you have done on ur are a very smart and a sence of humor..i some times think i should be ms dumped, but hey life goes on, well ur probly married by now and if not sorry to hear that.checked out ur game and i loved it ....remember u are a good looking man, who should not be alone. so remember im out here as well..single and playing ur game....would love to hear back from u .. well id better get back to you (the game).........take care single and lonely in canada b. |
34 | Date: 2002-12-08 00:51:30 Maggie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think you are cute! |
33 | Date: 2002-11-24 03:56:57 Juliet ( / no homepage) wrote: you have a lot of talent and you seem like a really cool guy! |
32 | Date: 2002-11-14 04:31:36 Aurora ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi! Thank you! I was surfing the net after being unceremoniously dumped by a guy, and I decided to visit your website out of curiousity. Thank you for making me chuckle - nice to know that I'm not the only one out there. I think you have a good concept going - I would have loved to meet you if I were not a thousand miles away. Good luck on your search - that special person is out there somewhere :) (((hug))) |
31 | Date: 2002-11-10 02:22:17 Mark ( / wrote: A little over the top....but the idea is there. Personally I would soften it a bit in areas and increase the in your face in others. If you polished might even get it in the public eye...then who knows...Darva or someone might come running. |
30 | Date: 2002-11-08 20:20:53 Allison ( no email / wrote: Very nice's a very cute idea. I think I'll have to do one when my current relationship ends.. haha. If I was a little older, I'd meet you for coffee :) Best of luck, you sound like a great guy. |
29 | Date: 2002-11-03 02:14:15 your cousin ( / no homepage) wrote: he is very smart and cute |
28 | Date: 2002-10-22 01:33:11 kandy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Very interesting site you have going. Good luck! |
27 | Date: 2002-10-17 23:47:38 Pamela ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Mornin'...I saw your post @ AT&T message board & decided 2 take a peek @ your site. I found it amusing & thought it was great that u gave your ex great props. It's the "it's not u, it's me thing". I smiled @ that. Quite frankly, I think u should go back. Go ahead...get married. Trust me it's not the worst thing u could do. U said it was a long term relationship. You're not in jr. high anymore. After a certain point a relationship is supposed 2 lead 2 something. You're only going 2 run into the same problems latter. Would it really be so terrible 2 put the "Peter Pan" syndrome behind u? Sometimes what we r looking 4 is right there in our own backyard. I hope everything finally comes into focus 4 u. I sincerely wish u the best. Have a great day. |
26 | Date: 2002-10-17 11:33:08 Brach Monroe ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I agree w/ the others this site @ least deserves a smile rating. Now go back 2 your girlfriend & do the wedding thing. Who is ever ready 4 kids...but somehow they just fall into place. Besides, you're not missing anything out there. Look @ all the date sites, I'm sure they make a ton of money. lol |
25 | Date: 2002-10-16 03:17:52 bored chic ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I have seen all of your posts and i must say, For the chic who dumped you, this is not the way. You are looking to hard, but without delay, even a video game you have, for play? |
24 | Date: 2002-10-13 22:41:39 lee ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I'm a very happily married man, but stumbled onto your site, and really got a chuckle out of it. Hope you have some success with your plan(site). Have a great day. lee |
23 | Date: 2002-10-09 23:30:46 Megan ( / no homepage) wrote: This is definately not what I expected. I realy enjoyed it! You have a great web site going. I think you should try to get back together with your ex. Don't make it too easy to just walk away from the problems then to work them out! |
22 | Date: 2002-10-09 23:13:30 D ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I never email these kind of stupid chain notes but I thought this one was interesting because you are trying to keep fit. So here it is ... Did you know that you can tell from the skin whether a person is sexually active or not. 1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when woman make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which make hair shiny and skin smooth. 2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow. 3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner. 4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers! 5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases the chemical endorphin into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being. 6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy! 7. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM. 8. Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up. 9. Sex actually relieves headaches. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain. 10. A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever. |
21 | Date: 2002-10-08 23:36:31 T.C. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi: I just wanted to give you a piece of advice, I think you should try to get back together with your ex-girlfriend. Part of being in a relationship requires that 2 people (not 1) make compromises together. I don't know all the circumstances, but I can tell you one thing, I sure as hell am not going to end up on your website one day as the one who wanted kids so we broke it off. Women generally want to have kids, we can't wait for you men to get your shit together because our bodies stop pumping them out after a certain point. You on the other hand, can have kids until the day you die. Good Luck and listen to me-- get back with her and close down the website! |
20 | Date: 2002-10-02 01:06:47 CJ ( THECURMUDGEONS@YAHOO.COM / no homepage) wrote: The peekaboo banner et al might get you fewer long term committments. It hurts my eyes, as big a fan as I am of happy faces. Sorry to hear about the old girlfriend. It doesn't sound like you want to move on - but heartbroken men are very cuddly, so don't change a thing. I'd toss the chat room - it takes too long to load. My advice is never get married, and never have children. All my happy friends are unmarried. All my rich friends are childless. I think it was a good choice to stand up for your personal comfort level. Marriage and children are choices you don't want to regret. If every molecule of your existance is not screaming "PROCREATE!", it isn't worth it. (It isn't even if every molecule is screaming, but you can't do anything about it at that point.) Best of luck in your search. If you feel your resolve weakening, mediate a couple divorces - that should put some steel in your spine. Best wishes! |
19 | Date: 2002-09-28 05:01:41 C.C. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You had me rolling with the website...oh, I clicked on sex, curiosity ;-) You are either really funny and have tons of self confidence for putting together the website... or just a psycho. So, I guess the only way I can determine this is by meeting you. I agree with you about the email thing. You can spend weeks emailing and get no further than, "What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" Love to meet you. Let me know. |
18 | Date: 2002-09-27 03:07:47 Dan ( / wrote: Hey, you think this page is funny? well you have problems, just kidding. check out my site |
17 | Date: 2002-09-21 00:55:34 Charlie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Wow! Checked out your site. You defintely have a sense of humor! I really liked the 100% honest followed by I'm a lawyer. LOL! (No I'm not a girl and not interested), but Thanks for the chuckle. Charlie |
16 | Date: 2002-09-20 14:55:50 Dad ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Fantastic job. |
15 | Date: 2002-09-15 13:58:30 Joe ( / wrote: Think this site is great, visit mine and make some cash !! |
14 | Date: 2002-09-13 08:55:40 Richard ( / wrote: WANTED! 96 HIGHLY MOTIVATED PEOPLE We are urgently seeking people from all backgrounds & nationalities to work from home with our International market leading company. Currently trading in 55 countries. Full training available. Immediate start. By putting your computer to work & without risking your present job. For A Free CD-Rom & Online Information visit: |
13 | Date: 2002-09-13 08:32:45 Deborah Jean ( / wrote: Well, I am in love me thinks. I live in Portland, Oregon so if you ever want to visit the Pacific Northwest you have a place to stay (nothing funny of course). I am probably younger than you (26) but hey, that's no problem in my book. And hey, I am not ready to have kids either. Log onto to the above homepage if you want to see a picture of me 'kay? -bye- |
12 | Date: 2002-09-02 05:51:59 M. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I live too far to meet you in person but I just had to write you and tell you that your home page made me laugh for the first time in a week. I was dumped last week from a long term relationship because he "needs to find himself." While my head understood this, my heart has not. My emotions have ranged from fierce attacks of anger to the sobbing wails of a broken hearted woman. And somewhere in this last week, I forgot to laugh--until I saw your website. The sheer joy and happiness jumped off the page and made me smile. Thank you. You are a sweetheart. |
11 | Date: 2002-09-02 02:18:45 Ms. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I think your sight is absolutely hilarious! You may be the most creative (dumped) person I ever 'met'. I am a bit to old for you but I wanted to write you anyway and congratulate you on your VERY unique and endearing technique. I wish you loads of luck, I'm quite sure some very lucky woman will have a lifetime of joy with you. |
10 | Date: 2002-08-29 00:59:55 Gina ( / no homepage) wrote: To all you ladies out there looking......I have had the pleasure of meeting this man live and in person and I can tell you first hand that he is ALL THAT! He is even better looking than these pictures and very funny and intelligent too! Who could ask for more in a man? I've looked for that all my life---if I was 10 years younger, I'd give you all competition!! Go for it! |
9 | Date: 2002-08-28 21:50:28 G. ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi... I checked out your dumped is really cool.... I am too old for you and not really looking right now... but I like that you love a good sense of humor and i'm an avid video game and off. I'm actually 51 yrs young...single...and live too far away in Indiana. But if I ever decide to look again...I'll try a page like yours. Good luck in your search and I hope you find someone really great. Have a great day........ G. |
8 | Date: 2002-08-19 19:16:46 Mark ( / no homepage) wrote: should've considered having kids with your ex, especially given your desire to remain close. Either way, nifty little page, and I hope you find someone great. Your mention of the pitfalls of oneline dating certainly was on target....I've done it for a few months now, and been highly disappointed. I've found little danger so far, but found there is an enormous amount of women (and heard men are just as bad) completely misrepresenting themselves in one way or another(physical description, personal traits,old pics,careers, etc), and a great deal of online daters seems to be true social misfits as well. I've been left wondering if I'm the only decent, honest, well-adjusted and attractive professional person giving the medium a shot. I hope your luck is better than mine. |
7 | Date: 2002-07-28 13:16:45 Mariu ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey! I just wanted to say that I like your ad and wish u tons of luck! Take care! |
6 | Date: 2002-07-28 04:08:20 Dianne ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I really just wanted to say I loved your web page! I have no idea how I found it, I was just cruzin around! |
5 | Date: 2002-07-28 02:50:15 mANOJ PATEL ( Manojp@NETWORKTRAIN.COM / no homepage) wrote: I Have been A supporter Of This Web Page From The start.. It's a good way to express anger, Fustration, And Other Negitive emotions In a Positive Forum.. |
4 | Date: 2002-07-27 17:22:18 daniela ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Mr. dumped is cute |
3 | Date: 2002-07-25 23:56:31 Sally ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I'm very sorry that your girlfriend dumped you, but out of your despair has been born a work of art! I applaud you sir. Alas, I have no friends in Jersey, but I did email your site to all of my co-workers and a female lawyer in New Mexico. Good luck in your quest. Sally |
2 | Date: 2002-07-19 03:52:23 Mr. Dumped ( no email / no homepage) wrote: SMILE! It keeps them guessing!
1 | Date: 2002-07-19 01:58:24 Mr. Dumped ( / wrote: Ok people... Post whatever you want here.... Post your own personal ads with pictures, jokes, comments about this page, complaints about this page, whatever...