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Hey dumped guy! sorry i called you that way i dont know your name. I was just searching the net for some articles about guys who just dumped by thier gf's. I have a friend he is lawyer too and dumped by a gold digger social climber bitch. ( sorry for that i just really hate her) well anyway as a friend i want to find some advice for him. then i found your website. and its really cool and funny! i want to have coffee an unlimited coffee with you so we can talk anything under the sun but we are super miles apart! anyway but goodluck to your searching! ur site made me smile ^_________^ like that..


Added: July 1, 2011
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I have sent this site to all the childfree people I know even if they are in a relationship because this needs promoting. I think you are an angel! WELL DONE!!!!!!

Added: June 16, 2011
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I assume your still single? Ok. Good luck with whatever it is you are looking for. I can tell you that your search methods are a bit shallow. When your old, you'll wish you were a bit more open and true about your life's pursuits. :)

Added: June 12, 2011
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I found your website in a child free Yahoo group. I do not want to sign up for your site, since I found "Mr. Right" 4 years ago on another dating site, it is GREAT that this is out there for child free singles. I had a LOT of trouble as a child free woman when I was younger in finding a partner who also did not want children. I cannot see your site since I do not wish to join, but I wanted to express a THANK YOU.

Added: June 5, 2011
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I do wish this website had been around years ago. I got married late in life to a child free man a few years ago, when I was 42. While I'm grateful to have finally met such a wonderful CF guy, i spent most of my life alone because I refused to get married if marrage equals children.

Best of luck to you and this website! Thee needs to be more CF dating service site on the web.

Added: June 4, 2011
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I don't disagree with you on most of the things you think. But really.. I think the thing that would turn me away from openly agreeing with you is how you put things. It's offencive, to be quite honest.

The way you put things as "LADIES", as in ALL women are like this, and not, "SOME ladies" or, "certain people".

I have always believed in splitting bills (if I can afford to. I actually feel really embarrassed when a guy pays full for it and often try to pay him back later even if he protests), that expensive rings are pretty much stupid (Plus, diamonds are pretty freaking tacky), prefer informal things to going to dinner (It's really awkward to me to have to go somewhere and behave "normal", instead of just enjoying myself with the guy I am meeting), and well.. Basically, everything you said, except as the female.

But... You REALLY need to cut back on the defencive "ALL FEMALES ARE LIKE THIS. WOMEN, WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS. OMG!!" stuff. A lot of women agree with what you say, but the defencive way in which you say it is an extreme turn off. State your opinion without the "ladies you need to get your head checked" stuff. The quickest way to lose an argument or make yourself look bad is to go on the offencive to the person you are making the argument against, instead of to the object of the argument itself: The behaviour.

I really don't want you to take it as an attack on yourself, to take it as my being condescending or rude to you. I just feel if you tried to be a little less accusing of the entire gender and more of the idiots who have this behaviour, you'd get a lot further. There's a lot of us out there who have the same feelings as you.

And on the "get your head checked" note... I'd have to say, I've had my own behaviour of being agreeable to what you say (wanting to pay my half or even pay full, wanting to be equal and possibly even treat [guy], refusing the idea of buying expensive jewelry and telling them I'd be happy just being around them, etc) met with sometimes even condescending "correction". A lot of men get annoyed or even angry with me for going against this stereotype you're so angrily against. So.. I mean to just point out that it's somewhat of an enforced stereotype. I feel that if I weren't so convinced of my beliefs and if I let myself be pushed around, I'd end up like these women. And most women who conform to stereotypes generally tend to be pushovers, anyway, sooo..

Added: December 20, 2010
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I read about in Married No Kids Newsletter today. Thank you for creating this much-needed website although too late for me. It could be nice if it existed before I got married as finding a man NOT wanting kids was not that easy.

I did find him, but the problem of finding childfree friends of the same gender exists after marriage and is not going to go away. I can't connect to any breeder and nearly all females in my age group either have kids or are desperate to find a man to have kids.

Could you please create a small "Kidfree Friendship" and/or "DINK Events" section in your website for finding childfree friends and activities based on location? I'm sure there are many of us around, we just don't have a way to find one another. I'm suggesting going bigger than being a dating website. Why not being the portal for the childfree? Not only for dating, but also for friendship, jobs, activities, cooking for two, etc in a non-boring way? Think of your life AFTER you find the right woman man!

O'Prophet Chris, show us the light!


Added: December 17, 2010
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I sent you the ring article! There are of course other options in life. Some years ago when I had my first job that paid enough to give me some spending money, I considered buying an aquamarine ring for myself. It's something I would still consider doing - if I ever had the money! (I have always been single and childfree.)
And --- people do give each other gifts. Christmas is coming. It's not just for christians anymore! (I'm not one.)

So you see, people have options in life. A liberated person (and admittedly a well-to-do one) could just as easily have a ring as not. It could be bought by oneself or by another. It could be aquamarine, or plain gold, or diamond, or synthetic gem. It could be for any "reason" - or none. The point is that these options, along with no ring, are choices rather than conformity, expectations, or role-playing.

Added: November 24, 2010
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Chris, I thought of you today - a few days after having shared one of your videos on my Facebook page - when I read a letter to's Prudence chat from November 8. Here is the letter and her answer: Q. Engagement Rings: I just got engaged two weeks ago to a wonderful man I've been dating for almost two years. The proposal itself was very spur-of-the-moment and spontaneous, so my boyfriend hadn't bought a ring or even looked into it. We were watching TV a few days ago and—lo and behold—a jewelry commercial came on. My now-fiance used it as a springboard to ask if I had any ring preferences, and I do. I would prefer not to have one at all. I just personally believe they're a waste of money and I wear latex gloves everyday for my job anyway, so I'm not sure I see the point. I think the entire "tradition" of diamond engagement rings is something created by the diamond industry and I would rather not buy into it when I think it's much more sensible to save our money for something we both really want—like a house. My fiance was stunned when I told him this. While he sees the logic, he's also afraid that everyone will think he's cheap for not buying me a ring, or that he can't afford it, and he wants to get me a ring anyway. I think that's ridiculous. I'm not much of a jewelry person, and I can't understand spending so much money on something I might wear a few times a year at most. Who's right? A: The whole issue of engagement rings has gotten out of hand. You've put your finger on the ridiculous problem of people judging a man's devotion by the size of the carats he produces. It's gotten so bad that couples literally don't get engaged because the man doesn't have the money for a big enough rock. Commitment has nothing to do with diamonds. Tell your fiance he won't look cheap when the two of you come up with a down payment for a house while your friends are trying to pay off the ring. I am also not a jewelry person, didn't get an engagement ring, and feel very married and unjudged just wearing a plain, gold band.

Added: November 11, 2010
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Veranda: "Great site and great idea. Advertise on childree forums. Lots of people there are looking for this."
I agree!

@Michele From Let me get this straight:
I also agree!

@K on "My Thoughts on Puzzele":
I agree and add my support for you (Chris Puzzele). I appreciate your honesty and your website, and being a true singles advocate, I hope you do not consider this website only something to assume all singles are just peeing their pants to become un-single! Be a true singles advocate, just as you are a true childfree advocate. Don't drop the site the moment you meet your match! It is so much more than just "matchmaking for the desperate". It is a voice for the single and childfree. DO IT! Yeah!

Added: November 8, 2010
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